The decision was made

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We were all sat in the living room: me, Mum, Chris and Dad. I knew something bad was coming soon but I didn't want to think of what it was. Mum was glaring at me whilst Dad was looking at Chris,


"Well?" Mum said, waiting for me to explain why I swore and what the conversation had been about. I looked over to Chris to see him looking down at the carpet, probably to avoid dad's icy gaze, which was unnerving for all of us . . . even mum! He looked up to see dad still staring at him, and I noticed him fidget slightly.


"Umm . . . well . . . Chrisbroughtagirlhomeanddidit!" I murmured quickly, hoping they wouldn't catch on to what I was saying, but of course that never happened.


"YOU DID WHAT?!" Yelled both mum and dad - it was creepy when they did that.


"Chris! You can't do that! You know what we are! We have to be very careful! What if she gets pregnant?!" Mum shouted at Chris, then she turned to me "And you!" She yelled, "How could you let him? You know the consequences!"


"I know an-"


"And what, Christy?" Dad interrupted. "You know what? You're going to boarding school! I want you packed tomorr-"


"Dad!" Yelled Chris "Don't blame Christy, it was my entire fault! I did it! Don't punish her for this!" I looked at him like he was crazy, but he looked back at me like it didn't really matter.


"That's sweet Chris, but you're both going! End of story!" Dad shouted - he had actually been planning it for some time, but it came as a shock to both of us - then he yelled at us to go to our rooms.


We walked up the stairs, but before Chris could go into his room I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into my room.


"What was that down there?" I said, softly, hoping to get the answer out of him - it worked.


"It was my fault. You shouldn't need to go to boarding school because of what I did." I knew instantly that he felt guilty.


"Look, we're going together, I don't care what you say!" He looked me in the eye, and then slapped me round the face. I flinched and glared at him, then punched him in the face "What was that for?!" I screamed at him.


He chuckled at me, "I just wanted to see how you would react" I raised my eyebrows at him then noticed a faint smell that almost made me puke.


"Go have a shower, please." I said to him but confusion just filled his eyes, "Why?" I looked at him like he was crazy, what he couldn't smell it "You smell of that whore" I told him, "Oh, really? Would you like a hug dear sister" I looked at him like he was mental, but then again he probably was! As he started walking closer until I bolted out of the room and into the bathroom so I could lock the door, "Awwh, come on C. . . How am I supposed to take a shower if you're in the bathroom" Dammit, he's right. I walked out of the bathroom with a scowl on my face then shoved Chris in the bathroom; I walked back into my room and started packing for tomorrow.


"Christy, honey. Come down here please" My mum shouted up, "We need to tell you where you're going so you know what to pack" My dad then shouted up.


"Fine, give me a minute" I shouted down, then brushed my hair after I had done that I ran down the stairs, "So, Mother" I said looking at my mum "and Father" turning to look at my Dad, "What boarding school am I going to?" Sarcasm dripping from every word! "Do not talk to us like that, Anyway you are going to an all boys boarding school" I felt my blood boil, I was going to an all bloody boys school, "WHAT?" I shouted, causing Chris to come running down the stairs; hair still wet and a towel around his body, "Mum, Dad. Don't make her shout please" Chris pleaded with our parents whilst I just glared at him with the deadliest glare that I could master. "I'm sorry honey, we were just telling Christy that you are both going to an all boy's school" Chris went wide eyed; probably wondering what had gone wrong with our parents when they were younger or something, but then Chris turned to me with a smirk slowly appearing on his face. . . So damn annoying.


"I'm going out" I said to all the people in the room, but hoping to sneak out before my parents decided they were going to punish me further by grounding me or something, I got out the door but I heard footsteps behind me, already knowing who it was I didn't bother to turn around.


"What do you want Christopher?" I asked him in my most innocent voice but he knew I only called him Christopher when I was annoyed or mad with him.


"Why are you mad at me, what did I do?" He asked me softly trying to get me to look at him, which I did.


"I'm not mad at you, I'm just stressed because of the boarding school, and it being an all boys and I'm probably gonna be the only girl and I don't even know why Mum and Dad decided to send me to an all boys school considering I'm a GIRL, and that means that I'm gonna need to give up being head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school, and I'm gonna need to break up with Tom" I said all in one breath, then Chris held his arms out to me and I gladly took the hug that he was offering, "And most of all I'm gonna miss this place" I whispered, afraid that my voice was gonna crack if I spoke any louder.


"Don't worry Sis, nothing is going to happen to this place and I'm sure Tom will still love you and maybe you could sneak back and stay with a friend and continue being the head cheerleader and finally you can carry on being the most popular girl in school whilst lots and lots of girls envy you and loads of boys wanna date you" He said to me, then we went back inside and went to bed.


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Chloe x

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