Oh crap!

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Okay. Before you read the chapter i just want to tell everybody about a friend of mine. her name is Youwish22. Go read her stories and Vote and comment. They're great.

Now, enjoy the chapter.

I was in science about to dissect a frog, when I heard Mr Headmaster person saying something through the speaker that Me, Chris and Rodney had to go to his office.  

Everybody in the classroom watched as Chris and I leave the room. When we got to the hallway, Chris looked nervous but that might just be the effect of it being the day of the full moon.  

We walked down the hallway in silence until we got to Jim's office (A/N that's the head teacher's name) I knocked on the door, and then went in... Of course Mr annoying was there already. I could have sworn his class room was like on the other side of school. Rodney rolled his eyes and Jim smiled at us, but anybody could tell it was forced. I smiled back, pretending not to notice Rodney staring at me; CREEP!!  

"So.... Chris, Christy. Do you know why you're here?" He asked looking back and forth between me and Chris, I and Chris both shake our heads but Rodney was looked at us like we were idiots or something.  

"Well, basically... You're here so we can talk about what's happening tonight" He said cutting straight to the point. I knew I had gone wide-eyed and so did Chris.  

I thought in my mind 'Rodney' knowing that Chris could hear me; we can talk telepathically. Chris looked at me with a knowing look on his face. I had a feeling he was on about the full moon... but how does he know, it's not like our parents would ring up and say 'Hi.... Chris and Christy need to be taken care of every full moon. They're werewolves'. I mean that's just stupid. Thinking of all the times we've had to change not once have we been away from home. If a friend asks us to stay over we always had to check with Mum or Dad, it was crazy. I was brought out of my thoughts by someone slapping me lightly round the face... I look up at Jim, then at Rodney and Chris to see that they were all staring at me.  

"Oh... Um... Sorry... What??" I asked, slightly confused as to why everybody was staring at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chris roll his eyes and Jim tutted, obviously not impressed that I was not listening to his boring lecture.  

"We said, we're gonna go down to the basement and lock ourselves up" Chris said snapping my attention to him. I looked at him in utter shock.  

"How do you know about us?" I asked now completely confused.  

"Well, my son over there told me, plus other sources" He said... Son? Sources? SON?? He has a smirk on his face that told me that Rodney and Jim were indeed related... Stupid, arrogant, cocky people.  

"Like father, like son" I murmured quietly so that only Chris could hear.... Or so I thought, but I guess not considering both Jim and Rodney shot me looks of pure hatred.  

I hold back a laugh knowing that Jim could probably rip my head off within the next 20 minutes or so.  

"Okay...... Are we done here?" I asked in a fake innocent voice. Everybody knew it was fake but I really didn't care.  

Jim proceeded to open his mouth like he was gonna say something but went with something like "Were done, out" instead. We walk out in complete silence, and when we got out we just burst out laughing.  

We had got to the lounge area, we talked a bit, danced a bit and then we were in my dorm talking about how tonight is going to go. I knew Chris was nervous but he was doing a very good job of covering it up, it might have been the ring but either way.  

"You know earlier when Jim said about having other sources telling him about us, who do you think these mysterious sources were?" Chris asked looking at a pair of extremely baggy pink track suit bottoms,  

"I don't know Chris. Maybe Mum or Dad... either that or the whole world knows about us and its spreading very quickly but honestly I can say, I don't know" I said picking up a blue medium top to wear after the change.  

He laughed at what I had just said then picks up some black trackies, examined them for a minute then threw them at me. For a boy he actually had good taste in clothes.  

"What are you wearing after the change?" I asked him from in front of the mirror I was doing my make up at.  

"Um... The black top with the skull on it and my Armani jeans" He said, going down to a whisper when he said about the jeans. I'm shocked... truly shocked.  

"You're wearing your favourite jeans after the change?" I asked him. He looked annoyed, probably remembering the same thing as me.  


"Ow" I said as I got slapped round the face. I looked into the worried blue eyes of Chris.  

"Thank god. I didn't think you'd ever wake up" He said. He was wearing jeans and an orange top.  

"Well... I'm awake now, and I'm going to kick your arse because you woke me up by slapping me round the face" I said, an evil glint in my eyes.  

I ran at him and tackle him to the ground. We fought for a bit until he manages to pin me to the ground. We always play fought as kids and it's just a normal thing for us now.  

"Okay. Christy. Stop. Okay?" He said, I nod and he got off of me.  

"Dude!! These are my favourite jeans and you ruined them" He says with a growl.  

"Oh. Stop growling. Full moon's over" I said then start laughing but he just looked extremely pissed, probably because of the fact that now his jeans had holes in them. I walked over to him and pushed him so that he would fall over... what I didn't bet on was him falling into a pot of aluminous green paint.  

I looked at him and saw that not only did his jeans have rips and holes in them but they had green splattered on them.  

.......................................END OF FLASHBACK..........................................  

"Yeah. Probably not the greatest idea to wear jeans" He said looking thoughtful. He gave me a look that basically said 'Bye, Thanks' then ran out of the door, probably to get something else to wear for after the change.  

I rolled my eyes and carried on with the packing. I was about to zip it up when my phone rang. I look at the caller ID, Mum.  

"Heeey Mum, What's up?" I asked looking around the room to see if I forgot to put anything in the bag. I saw the giant necklace on my bedside table. I put the ring on when I change so it doesn't break.  

"Heeey sweetie, I just wanted to wish you luck for tonight" She said "Tell Chris-"I heard a scream in the background, and then she was gone. The line went dead.  

I looked at my phone, horrified. Then I ran out of the room to find Chris. I think I must have been running for about five minutes before I came to Chris dorm. I knock the special knock so he would know it was me. He opened the door, when he had a look at me he grabbed me quickly and pulled me into his room.  

"C. What happened?" He asked but I didn't answer. This went on for about 5 minutes but I still wouldn't answer. I just handed him the phone. He listened to the message then handed me my phone back. I looked at him then start crying and for the first time in a long time he cried as well.  

"We have to go back Chris" I said sobbing into his shirt. He doesn't say anything about going back home just whispers comforting words into my ear.  

I got up and looked in his mirror. Sorting out my hair and trying to make my makeup look decent when suddenly the door blew off its hinges and four very scary men stood there. Staring at us.

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