You're royalty!

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Please don’t murder me for not uploading in centuries! But I haven’t been well. I’m currently laid in bed writing this, ‘cause I don’t feel too well at the moment.

Also, the spacing messed up, so I dont know what it looks like.

Anyway, stop reading the note and start reading the chapter. It may be short. Bye:D x

I moved back from the mirror to stand next to Chris.

"What do we do?" I asked to a nervous looking Chris.

He looked at me then nodded his head to the window, where the full moon was shining brightly, casting a glow  over everything in the room, including the four guys, making them look creepier then before.

Grab a weapon, Chris said in my mind, staring straight at the men. My eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that could do a lot of damage.

I noticed a couple of razor blades near the bathroom door and made a dash for them. One of the guys noticed what I was doing and went for me but Chris stopped him by hitting him across the face with a lamp.

I picked up the razors and hit lamp dude in the head causing him to bleed from the blade.

I heard a sound from the doorway and turned to see that there were now only 2 guys stood there instead of three.

"Where did the first guy go?" I asked in a shaky voice because I had a feeling that he was stood right behind me.

With a sigh, I turned around and came face to face with a very ugly dude with grey hair and orange eyes. I rolled my eyes and brought my hand up to my waist, I counted to three, then pulled my hand back and threw it forward straight into his gut.

His cry of shock hit my ears like music and I grinned from ear to ear, but it's gone as soon as it came as I get attacked by a dude with weird elf ears.

He punched me in the face and all I can see for a few seconds is black dots. My vision cleared up and I noticed Elfy helping Orange eyes off of the floor so that he wasn’t laid in a pile of dirty socks; that were on the floor, anymore.

I pretend that I’m still in a daze and slide to the floor. The man that had been standing at the door the whole time walked in slowly with what looks like a syringe in his hand. He bends down in front of me but before he can do anything, I stuck my leg out and kicked him in the chest and whilst I threw my hands to the sides to dodge the attacks from Elfy and Orange eyes.

I looked to the left to see that the one that Chris was fighting with was on the floor with loads of blood surrounding him. We stand side by side glaring at the idiots that are trying to kidnap us or kill us or whatever they are planning on doing to us.

I looked around the room, I noticed that the other 3 guys were spread around; surrounding us just in case we tried to run. There had been one both side of us and the main guy had been stood up front.

"What do you want?" Chris asked confidently, not showing a bit of fear.

"You" The guy said simply, whilst he pointed to me and Chris.

"Why?" I asked, my eyes darted between the three men.

"Because you're the prince and princess of werewolves" He said, Okay... That confused me. I raised an eyebrow in question but the guy just chuckles.

"We're not coming with you" I said confidently.

The guy looked from me, to Chris, to the dead guy on the floor, then back to me.

"Yes you are"





"Not!" I shouted.

I noticed that whilst I and big dude were arguing, Elfy and Orange eyes had gotten closer to us.

I looked at Chris, but he's looking at the floor with a look of pain on his face. I'm about to ask him what's wrong but about a second after I opened my mouth, a pain shoots through my back, then I understood, we were changing!

I screamed out in pain and looked up to see the dude with a smirk on his face.

“Close the door!” I screamed through pain.

Chris’ screams matched mine. I felt my bones popping and extending, changing to fit the form of a wolf. Fur grew from my hands and everywhere else, I looked down to see that my feet were a golden coloured paw instead of a normal human foot.

I looked to the left, to see that Chris had finished his change, same as me. I growled at the three remaining people in the room.


Yeah Christy?

Are they vampires?

I don’t know C

Helpful, Chris

Sorry. But they’re not werewolves ‘cause they haven’t changed.

That was all he said, then he ran at the guy to his left. I ran at the guy on my right, I dug my claws into his belly, hoping to harm him.

I broke into the skin, the sight of his blood made me hungry. He looked down into my eyes and suddenly I saw fear spark in his eyes.

‘Bad mistake’ I thought to myself and mentally smirked.

I was so focused on killing; I hadn’t noticed the main guy sneaking up on me until I felt the pain of the syringe in my side. I howled in pain and slumped to the floor. I shifted my eyes to the left to see that Chris had been knocked out as well.

I tried to howl but all that came out was a whimper, with the last of my energy I whispered in my mind,

Sorry Chris

I closed my eyes and gave up, letting the people take me away from the torture of boarding school, to the torture that was in my future.

I woke up to the sound of Chris’ screams. I looked down and noticed that I was dressed; one of them must have dressed me! Perverts!!!



Yeah, it’s me. Where are we?

I don’t know, Ri. But don’t make a sound.

But Chris! They’re torturing you!

Shhh. Don’t worry about me. I’m healing already.

 Okay. What room are you in Chris? ‘Cause I can’t sense you and you’re not in the same room as me.

I looked around ‘my’ room and noticed that it was actually quite nice. Considering they kidnapped us, they’re treating us fairly well. Well, me anyway, I don’t know about Chris.

Chris! Chris? You there? I can’t hear your screams! I yelled in his mind.

Shhh, I’m fine. They’ve left me alone. And as to my room, it’s alright I guess. There’s some blood on the carpet though, shame. It ruins the room. He said jokingly in my mind.

What are we doing here Chris? They kidnap us then treat us like we’re guests instead of the kidnapped.

I don’t know Christy, look outside your room. What do you see? Chris asked in my mind.

I got up and opened the door; across from me was a door which had the numbers 302 on.

 Basically, there’s a door with the numbers 302.

Your rooms opposite mine!

Really? Hey Chris, come to my room. I need a hug.

Okay, I’ll be there in a second. Just changing.


I sat back down on the bed and waited for Chris. After about a minute, Chris came in and gave me a hug.

“We’ll be fine” He whispered in my ear. I whimpered but didn’t say anything.

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