Why are you here?

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After the confrontation with Chris, I made my way to the palace to find Devon, only to run into Jim and Rodney. As far as I was aware, they hadn't known where Chris and I had moved to or why we had stopped attending school.

I walked into the palace and closed the doors, only to come face to face with Rodney who had a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and let out a groan, whilst still displaying my shock and confusion as to why he was in the palace and whether anybody else from school was here.

 "Hello Christy." He said, trying to act seductive but it made me want to puke. Where was Devon? 

"Rodney" I said simply, hoping to get past him and find Devon, hoping that maybe he'd have some answers as to why this prick was here.

"Awwh, Christy. Didn't you miss me?" 

At this point all I wanted to do was punch the smirk off of his face, however I knew that if I did that I'd get told off, even if it did make me feel better. 

I sighed and started speaking "Look Rodney, I don't know why you're here, and frankly I can't be bothered to find out. You're in my way and I have places to be, so if you would very kindly move your arse, that would be great. Bye bye now" I smirked at him, then walked away only to run into Jim. 

"Can I not get away from you lot today?" I said to him, whilst directing the question towards both Jim and Rodney. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but got interuppted by Devon walking around the corner; I turned to look at him and felt a big grin creep onto my face. He smiled at me, but started to look confused as his eyes landed on Rodney and Jim, "Dad? Rodney? You're early" 

At this point, I knew the look on my face would have bee one of shock. Dad? DAD? Devon was Jim's son, and Rodney's brother? But, Jim and Rodney aren't werewolves and Devon is. 

I knew whatever was happening in front of my eyes wasn't good for my body or the baby, so I turned on my heel and walked back out the doors, walking towards the pond in the garden where I could relax and clear my head. I made it to the pond and sat down on the hammock resting between two trees whilst staring into the musty water in the pond. 

My mind was so foggy, that I hadn't realised that Devon had followed me out. He sat down on the hammock next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, whilst I leant my head on his shoulder. 

"Your dad, and brother? Rodney is your brother?"


"Right, and they're here because..?"

He looked ashamed whilst staring into the pond, "They got kicked out of the place they were staying and needed a place to stay, and I said they could stay in the palace and that you wouldn't mind because we're mates and you're going to end up loving them because you've never met them before and, and I just couldn't leave them stranded. They know what I am, so they didn't find it strange when I said they could stay and I know I'm only a servent in the palace, but I hope you don't mind-" 

I cut him off with a kiss, "You're rambling. First off, you're not a servent anymore, you're my mate. Secondly, I have met them before, and gosh, they're annoying, and lastly, as annoying as I find them, if this is really important to you, then they can stay as long as they don't do anything to annoy me whilst I'm pregnant" I said, not thinking about what I was saying as I was so caught up in the moment.

Devon looked shocked and then upset, "You're pregnant?" He ashed in a whisper. I instantly covered my mouth, not realising that I had told him so casually that I was pregnant. 

"Oh my Gosh, Devon, I didn't mean to tell you so casually, and I was going to tell you, but I didn't know when to or how to, because it isn't yours, and it wasn't even another werewolf that I had sex with, it was a human. I don't know what to do, and now you're going to hate me and-" I was cut off by Devon kissing me, "You're rambling" he said with a soft smile on his face. 

"Wait, so you're not mad?" I asked, shock quickly taking over my features.

"Of course not, I mean, I would have loved if the child was mine, but even if it's not mine by blood, it'll still be mine by bond and we're going to be amazing parents!" 

I felt a grin take over my face before pulling Devon's face towards mine and pecking him on the lips, "I love you Devon"

"I love you too Bubbles" 

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