Meeting a mate!

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Just as I was about to walk back in. I felt the strange feeling again. I looked around to see if I could find out what was causing it, but the only people in sight was a boy about my age, he had brown hair but his eyes were green with gold and silver specks in them. He was cleaning the table, so I’m guessing he was a cleaner or a maid or something. I could tell he was a werewolf though. 

He looked up at me and our eyes locked. There was something inside of me, yelling at me. 

Let me out you doofus!

I was confused; I didn’t know what it was. 

Who the hell are you?!



I'm your wolf silly! I usually don’t activate until you're 17, but if you find your mate before then, I’ll activate. And that Cutie other there, is our mate. 

I could tell she was happy about this piece of information. 

So, what's your name? Or should I just keep calling you 'My wolf'?

My name is Amelia. 

Okay Amelia, what do you think we should do? 


Okay, calm down! 

Walking quietly up to the boy, my mate. I tapped him on the shoulder. He had carried on cleaning so he didn’t see me because he dropped the cleaning solution and it went all over the floor. 

"Who do you think you ar-?" He said whilst turning round, but stopped short when he saw who it was, his eyes went wide. He bowed quickly before diverting his eyes to the ground so that he wouldn’t look me in the eyes. "Your Majesty, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to snap at you, I just didn’t know who it was. You should be in the meeting and-"

"You're rambling" 

"Huh? Oh right, I’m sorry. I just, I’m so sorry."

Sighing with impatience, I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him. He stopped talking straight away and kissed me back. His lips worked perfectly together with mine and his hands went around my waist. 

"Hey Christy, you alrig-Who the hell is he?!" A growl rumbled in Chris' chest as he walked towards me. 

"Chris, meet," Turning to look at my mate, "What's your name?"


"Chris, meet Devon, Devon, meet my overly protective brother Chris" Chris nodded, whilst Devon muttered something like 'Your highness' whilst bowing. 

"Chris, go back in, I’ll be back in, in a minute!" Chris looked doubtful but walked back into the room, "She'll be back in a minute." 

"I'm sorry your highness, but you should probably go back to the meeting"

"Devon, its Christy, not your highness." I said, putting emphasis on the 'your highness' bit. Devon nodded then walked away.

Happy now? I ask Amelia.

Very, thank you:)

You're welcome.

I opened the grand doors and walked back to my seat.

We'll talk about this later. Chris said in my mind.

I nodded and paid attention, they were currently talking about how many people live here, in the pack house. I put my hand up and everybody stopped talking.

"What about mates?"

"Ahh. Mates, who wants to tell Christy about the bond of mates?"


Alexia had a huge grin on her face. "Basically, when you first meet your mate, you get this feeling, it's an amazing feeling. When you first see your mate, you want to right up to them and have them just hold you and protect you. Usually, most people don’t find their mate before they're 17, but if they are lucky enough to find their before then, then that's person wolf will activate." She looked at me with a knowing smile. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I knew my face had gone red.

I looked down at the table so nobody would see me blushing.

"Anyway, to start the mating process, the male has to bite the female where the neck and shoulder meet, then the second step, they have to have sex" At the last sentence, Chris burst into laughter. I kicked him under the table so that he would shut up, and thankfully, it worked. "After the mating process is complete, you can feel each other’s feeling, if they are hurts. You can feel everything, emotions, and feelings. You can even where each other is. However, if you're away from each other for too long, the bond will weaken and you will start you grow weaker until you're together again. If you're alpha or royalty, it will take longer for the bond to break. Maybe a couple of months longer, say if Christy was to find her mate and he was a maid, then he would grow weaker then Christy because he hasn’t got royal blood in him."

“Thank you Alexia”

“Okay, I think everything has been covered, so, meeting over” Said the main man that was sat at the top of the table.

Everyone stayed seated whilst me and Chris left, 1 body guard in front of each of us and one behind. Walking up the stairs, alongside Chris, I contemplated talking to him, but right now, I just didn’t have the energy.

Coming to the doors of our bedrooms, opened the door, but just as I was closing it, I turned around and faced Chris,

“Good night Chris, I’ll explain everything tomorrow” He nodded and closed his bedroom door. I sighed and closed my door before walking into the bathroom.  I stripped and got in, letting the hot water pour down my back, instantly relaxing me and helping me forget about everything that happened today.

After washing my hair and body, I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet, after changing into my pyjamas; I put the towel back in the bathroom and got into bed.

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