Help me

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I had just finished showing Jim and Rodney around the castle with Devon when it had started getting dark. I made my way to our bedroom and let out a yawn, sitting down on the bed at the same time. Devon walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him at the same time that Chris walked in topless. 

"Hey C" Chris said as he flopped down onto my bed next to me. I turned to give him a sleepy smile only to find that he was staring up at the ceiling in deep thought. 

"Chris" I whispered, nudging him.

"Chris?"I askd a bit louder, kicking him, this still hadn't had an affect so I stood up on the bed and then jumped on him. He growled and pushed me off whilst I was laughing at the shocked look on his face. 

"Did you want anything, or do you just like being jumped on?" I asked him with a smirk on my face and amusement twinkling in my eyes. 

He playfully growled at me and reached his hand out to tickle me, only to stop half way. I became confused as to why he suddenly stopped however, I was grateful. However, this didn't last long as Devon had crept up on me and started tickling me whilst I was distracted. 

"NOOOOOOO!!! STOP!! NOOO- ARRRRRGHHHHH!" Is what I sounding like whilst being tickled. I had assumed I was being loud and my suspiciouns were confirmed when there was a knock at the door and Rodney's head popped through the gap between the door and the frame. 

"Is everything alright in here?" He asked, looking confused. 


"I'm just going to go back to my room now" He whispered and left, followed by Chris who gave me an evil grin just as he left.


He finally stopped tickling me when I had tears running down my face, and laid down on the bed next to me. Whilst i had been jumoing on Chris, Devon had been getting dressed for bed and as soon as the lights were off, we were both asleep.


I was awoken a couple of hours later by somebody placing a blindfold over my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I tried to scream, but my mind was hazy and my body felt weak. I knew the vague direction I was going in, so I tried punching whoever had me, however due to my body feeling weak and my bones feeling like jelly, nothing happened.

This, however, made my captor stop what they were doing and started grabbing my hands roughly and tying something that felt like rope around them.

 I knew at this point that there was no point fighting as I couldn't even lift my arms to hit them or plant my feet into the ground to stop them moving me. 

I didn't know what was happening or where any of my friends were, or why they weren't helping me. This thought led to my worst fear that they had been killed but I knew it wasn't something as bad as that, I just knew it in my gut. 

Even though I had given up, my captor still thought that I was worthy of more injections and needles as they injected a needle into my arm and immedietly my eyes felt heavy and my head started pounding. 

The last thing I heard before my eyes slipped close was a a car door opening and closing, but I couldn't figure out anything after that as I slipped into obvlivion. 

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