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  • Dedicated to Callie Wong

A/N: Hello all. Thank you for reading my story. This is my first story I'm writing on here and also my first story that im writing. I hope you enjoy. Comment/Fan/vote/ or message me if you have any questions.

                                                                         *Callie's POV*

*Alarm goes off playing She's Not Afraid*

My alarm was going off at 6:30 A.M.. I lived in Holmes Chapel, London, I am 16, my birthday is April 26, 1996. I had a half hour to get ready before I had to leave to catch the school bus. My dad died when I was young so I barely remember him. My mom was 20 years old and had just left to go to collage 10 minutes before I got up. She was majoring in Performing Arts at Mid Cheshire University. I had dark brown hair, I was short for my age and I was an only child. I was wearing a purple glittery tank top with a leather jacket, a white glittery skirt, and purple wedges that were 3 inches. By the time I had picked out my outfit, and gotten dressed, and put make-up on I had to run out the door to catch the school bus. I didn't even have time to eat breakfast before I was running out the door. It was a 5 minute walk to get to the bus stop. My bus gets to the stop at 7:10 but I have to get to the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus gets to the stop. It's very hard to run in 3 inch heels. School starts at 8 A.M.. The first bell rings at 7:55. We have 5 minute passing periods. I wasn't exactly in the popular crowd. I didn't do any extra-curricular activities for school. I had a boyfriend whose name was Austin. He was sort of a psycho but he was right for me. (I guess.) When I miss the bus Austin is always there to give me a ride to school. By the time the bus gets to school it was 7:45 A.M.. I had to go to my locker to put my bag away and get my books for my first period class. I was meeting with my two best friends that I had known since 6th grade before first period. Even though Madi, Lizy and I all had the same schedule as each other. Our schedule is Spanish, band, geometry, World Cultures, and Science. Our class periods were 70 minutes long. we only have 5 classes, 5 minute passing periods, and we get out at 2:50 P.M.. We only have one lunch and one break depending on the schedule. For example, if it is a late start we only have a lunch and if it is and early release we don't have break or lunch. Madi, Lizy and I were all walking to our first period class because the first bell had rang and now we had 5 minutes to get to Lizy's locker and the Spanish room before the tardy bell rang at 8 A.M.. We were on our way to Lizy's locer when we ran into my (psycho) boyfriend. He was just walking past us to his first period class, which is band. We were leaving Lizy's locker and almost to the Spanish room when the tardy bell rang. *Shit* we all though to ourselves. "Shit, we are late to class on the first day of the second term! I hope the Spanish teacher is nice and doesn't mark us down as tardy." Lizy said. We got into the Spanish room and everyone was talking and the Spanish teacher hadn't taken attendance yet or started the class. The Spanish teacher was getting up to get the class under control and take attendance. It took at least 7 minutes to get the class under control and get everyone to shut up so she could take attendance and start the class. The teachers name was Mrs. Hernandez. She eventually got really irritated because she couldn't get us under control that she yelled at the top of her lungs " Everyone shut the hell up!" By that time the class was already half over and she had made a seating chart and gotten the attendance done. We had gotten half way through the intro when the bell signaled the end of class. It was 9:10 A.M. and it was break. I was on my way to get food ( I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning) because I was hungry. I was running to get food when I ran into Austin. Austin pulled me aside and tried to kiss me passionately at school. Once this happened, well I stopped it before it got into full on sex, I was like "Austin what the hell are you doing?! We are at school!!" Austin replied with " What am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend at school?" " Well no Austin. Not when that was a I'm going to try to have sex right here! It's inappropriate! Great you wasted all my time to eat! I didn't even get breakfast! You're the worst boyfriend ever!" I replied. I turned and walked away to meet with Lizy and Madi for band, which was second period.  In band, we were all warming up for the first 15 minutes of the period. Our band teacher was Mr. Quehrn but we called him Mr. Q. He told us that he has some announcements to make and for us to stop playing our instruments. He said that we needed to get up and put our instruments away and that we were going to talk about our trip to the states. I didn't get why he had us waste the first 15 minutes of class warming up if we weren't going to play them, but whatever. We all had packed up our instruments within 5 minutes and we were back in our seats. We then had 50 minutes left to discuss our trip to the states. He said that we would be gone for one and a half months and that the percussion people would be coming with us. We were going to try to visit as many states as we could with the amount of time we had. It would be good because my boyfriend and madi's boyfriend, Will, were going to be coming with us. Lizy didn't have a boyfriend because she didn't like any of the guys in our grade. Will and Madi were the cutest couple its like they were made for each other. They have been dating each other since April of 8th grade. They have had their share of ups and downs but they are still together and growing strong together. Mr. Q told us to pack clothes for all types of weather. He also said to bring money for souvenirs and clothes that we wanted to buy in the states. By the time we were talking about our trip the class was over and it was on to 3rd period.  Madi, Will, Lizy and I were off to geometry. Will always gets out of 2nd period early so he meets us at the band room and walks with us to third period since he has it with us. Madi and Will sit next to each other in the back and me and Lizy sit up in the front. Luckily we were all smart and brought our geometry stuff to second period. Otherwise we would be really late to geometry. We were watching the Life of Pie today, so Madi and Will were able to cuddle in the back. By the time the end of third period we were only half way through the movie. Madi and Will weren't paying attention to the movie. Well, at least it was lunch because I was STARVING! Austin didn't hang out with our little group at lunch he hung out with the jocks because he was the quarterback. So, it was really awkward at lunch because Madi and Will were talking a lot and only to each other. By the time lunch was overit was already 12:10. Will, Madi, Lizy, Austin and I were all headed to World Cultures. In world cultures Madi and Will sit in the back right corner (like normal), me and Austin are in the back left corner and Lizy is alone in the front. The intro and basics of the course took the whole period. Will and Madi are cuddling in the back (of course), Austin and I are paying attention in the back and Lizy is paying attention in the front. Next Austin has French, and Lizy, Will, Madi and I all have science together. It is now 1:30 when the tardy bell rings for the last period wichin is the longest. Will and Madi are in the back and Lizy and I are in the front like normal. Today in science we are watching a mythbusters. Madi and Will cuddle in the back but pay attention and take notes. Lizy and I pay attention and don't take notes. The last bell of the day rings. Austin is waiting for me at his car, Lizy heads to the bus and Madi and Will hang out at Madi's house and do homework, Lizy rides the bus home and does homework, Austin and I drive to my house to do homework but today was different for Austin and I. We went to my house but we didn't end up doing homework.

A/N: Sorry cliff hanger ony way to keep you hooked. Hope you enjoyed the first part/chapter. More to come later. Comment, vote, fan. Thank you. Bye for now.

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