Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. The bike roared along the road covered with big trees on either sides of the pavement.
The shadows cast under the moonlight were giving a forestry look around us.
It was already 1:00 am at night.
That didn't bother me as I will drop Aridhi before 2:00 am at Singhania's mansion.
Since we planned to have a date tonight, I thought I should show her what I have been working on for years.
Aridhi clutched on my waist like a little baby.
The deeper we went into the woods, the deeper her expression fills with excitement and curiosity.
I know how much she loves her peace and for that she can even go on mountains.
Saving that for the honeymoon though, but chances are still less.
When she was young, she used to whine about her personal space.
She used to tell us — me and Dhruv — how she was always the centre of attention in her family.
She didn't like that much.
She was her family's princess and I will make sure to make her my queen, now.
No doubt, Aridhi got everything she ever wanted. Her family never let her cry for a thing.
But all she craved for peace, calm and a place where she can be just herself and do whatever she desires.
So here it is!
I stopped the bike in front of a freshwater lake, showing us the reflection of moon in it.
A medium sized cozy wooden house stood straight as we got off the bike.
Aridhi stared at the house on which there was a signboard and it read as:
Dedicated to Ruvit's Ardhangini.
She snapped her head at me, amusement covering her face.
"Is it for me?" She asked.
The rustling sound of leaves hit my ears before I drowned in her ocean blue eyes.
"Who else? This land is yours. This lake is yours. That little swing is yours. And yes, that fucking house is also yours."
I replied while pointing at the respective things.
"Even this man is yours." I added, pointing at myself.
She giggled and mouthed ‘cute’ in my direction.
"You can come here anytime you wish." I showed her the keys of the house.
"How did you find it?" She took the keys as we walked towards the entrance.

RomanceONGOING + EDITING 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐇𝐈 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐋♡ Bow to the queen before speaking ~ A beauty with brains, has a sassy attitude with a sunshine personality. At just the age of 21, she achieved success in the business field. Princess of Agarwals and Qu...