Chapter Eight

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(Attached: Alex's outfit)


Holy motherfucking shit.

Every waking moment, knowing that my Jordan Reid is spending time with Logan Matthews is a miserable one. I close my eyes and picture them getting it on, smiling into eachother's eyes, him walking her to class, and her standing on her toes to kiss his cheek.

I feel like slapping myself, disgusted at my thoughts.

Why is it so hard for me to hate her? I never used to have this problem. Despising Reid became a second nature, just like it is for her now. She hates me as much as I should hate her.

And it kills me inside knowing that I can feel my anger and resentment for this girl slowly slipping through my fingers.

"Yo brother! How ya going?" Spencer says cheerily, slapping me on the back.


I see his smile waver, knocked down by my blunt reply. This is how it's been for the last couple weeks.

You would've thought Spencer would have given up on me by now, but he hasn't. I think that's one of the contributing reason why we are best mates. He is the only person who puts up with all my bullshit. The only person that is, excluding Jacinthe.

Speak of the bitch, and she shall appear.

"Hey babe!" She leans in, kissing my cheek.

I mumble a "sup" and take my seat in the Calculus classroom.

"What's wrong? You know Alex, you've been different these last couple of weeks! You haven't been touching me, or enjoying me like you used to."

I grimace at the way she bites her lip when she finishes talking. It's different when Reid bites her lip - she doesn't do it with any ulterior motives. Isn't it a massive thing now about not degrading yourself and your body? It seems like my loving girlfriend missed the memo.

"Yeah well you've been different too." I murmur, hinting at her to stop talking to me.

Talking to me right now is only going to end in her crying and screaming, and me feeling like an asshole for breaking her heart

"What? How?" She pouts.

Here comes the asshole moment.

"You're being a massive bitch Jacinthe."

And there it is!

I see my girlfriends face drop and make it's glossy eyes towards the door. I half think about following her out, to apologise for my shitty boyfriend behaviour.

"You're a massive dick Carter." Says a familiar voice beside me.

If I didn't feel like an asshole before, I definitely feel like one now.

"Look Reid, don't act like you give any shits about Jay. You just give less shits about me."

"That's not true." She replies curtly, and then turns her back on me.

My pulse quickens and I try to keep the eagerness out of my voice. "What isn't?"

By the time my mouth wraps around the last syllable, her back is turned.

By the end of school, I am one hundred percent done with this day from hell.

Reid is right. It doesn't happen often, but that girl is correct on one thing.

I am a massive dick.

I have a beautiful and caring girlfriend in the palm of my hand, wanting to be loved and appreciated. But here I am, moaning around because some bitch called me a name. I shouldn't even give a shit about what my worst enemy thinks but here I am.

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