Chapter Thirty

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(Attached:  Alex laughing at Spencer)


"Alex! Get your hand off my sister's leg!" Spencer scolds jokingly.

My cheeks heat and I laugh along with him. I give Reid's leg a subtle squeeze before reluctantly releasing her. Her eyes flicker to my knuckles, white and strained on the wheel.

Lord give mercy.

Reid does a poor job of hiding her satisfaction behind a smug smile. "So where to sir?" She asks.

Please don't call me sir. You really don't want to do that.

"The camping ground genius." I retort.

Ruby perks up from the back. "I think Jordy means like whereabouts are we headed. Like your answer could be one of the following: just up North of the state, down South from here actually, or maybe you could give a specific location, like Rampers Camping Grounds! However, you selected the vague and ignorant reply of 'the camping ground'. That was dumb."

Spencer looks at Ruby as if she put the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea.


How could anyone find that annoying redhead attractive is beyond me, but hey what would I know about love?

I roll my eyes. "Oh really? You know what Ruby? That's a really great idea, I'll try to respond to idiots like that in the future."

Spencer narrows his gaze. "Watch it."

"Or what?" I challenge, only half joking.

I've offended two of his three favourite people in only a few sentences, so I understand why he is annoyed. However, I'm not in a good state of mind. My eyes are having a hard time not staring at Reid's legs and I'm very pissed off at myself for it.

"I'll feed you to the tigers," Spencer replies, only half joking.

Jordan had been oblivious to the tensions within the car until a wild cat was mentioned. "I was told there would be no sharp teeth on this trip!" She exclaims, eyes blazing.

A smile tugs at my lips. Fuck she can be adorable. Stop it Alex. Dammit.

I turn my focus to the road with a clenched jaw. I'm honestly at loss as to why I continue being Spencer Reid's best friend. His sister is a pain in the arse and his girlfriend (or whatever they wanna call it to make themselves feel better) is the same. Pretty sub-par company in my opinion.

"You're ugly and shitty by the way," Jordan informs me with a scowl on her face.

My right eyebrow raises at her vicious dig."Where did that come from?"

"Don't talk to my best friend like that!"

My eyebrows raise at her severe tone. "Or what?"

"Or I will castrate you."

Spencer and Ruby burst into giggles at the threat while I absentmindedly rest my hand over my crotch for protection.

"Brutal," I mutter before turning left onto the main highway.

Four songs off the radio later, Reid instructs me to take the next left.

"Why?" I ask, making the left turn.

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