Meannie at the mall

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Amelia 15yo

Amelia, a 15-year-old with a bright smile and a kind heart, had always been a bit different from other teenagers her age. She was smart, loved music, and had a quirky sense of humor that often left her family in fits of laughter. But there was something else about Amelia, something her moms, Billie Eilish and her wife, Harper, understood deeply and supported with all their love—sometimes, Amelia would regress, slipping into a younger state of mind, feeling and acting like a two-year-old.

This morning was one of those days. As Amelia woke up, the world seemed a little too big, a little too loud, and all she wanted was to be small, to be taken care of in the way a toddler might be. She reached for her customized pacifier, the one with her name etched in soft, pastel colors, and cuddled her favorite stuffy, a well-worn bunny named Flopsy. Today, she felt like she needed her moms more than ever.

"Good morning, sweetie," Billie said as she entered Amelia's room, immediately noticing the shift in her daughter's demeanor. Amelia looked up at her with wide eyes, her pacifier in her mouth, and held out her arms like a toddler asking to be picked up.

"Mama," Amelia murmured around her pacifier, her voice soft and sweet with the slight lisp she had when she regressed.

Billie smiled gently, understanding. "Come here, my little one," she said, lifting Amelia into her arms as though she were two years old again. Even though Amelia was 15, Billie carried her with ease, her love making the weight feel like nothing at all.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Harper was helping their five-year-old daughter, Lily, get ready for their planned trip to the mall. Lily was Amelia's little sister, full of energy and curiosity, and always ready to go on an adventure. She had her own pacifier in her mouth—a habit she hadn't quite grown out of yet—and her stuffy, a tiny giraffe named Sprinkles, clutched tightly in her hand.

When Billie carried Amelia into the room, Harper gave her wife a knowing look, her eyes filled with understanding. "Looks like we'll have two littles with us today," Harper said softly, as Lily looked up at her big sister with a smile, her own pacifier bobbing slightly as she grinned.

"Amelia, are you ready to go to the mall?" Harper asked, reaching out to take Lily's hand.

Amelia nodded, her pacifier still in her mouth, and snuggled closer to Billie. "Uh-huh, Mama carry me," she said, her voice muffled and a little babyish, making Billie and Harper exchange a fond smile.

As they arrived at the mall, the family drew a few curious glances. It wasn't every day that people saw a 15-year-old being carried like a toddler, pacifier in mouth, and holding tightly onto a stuffy. Amelia was oblivious to the stares, her mind focused on the warmth of her mama's embrace and the comfort of her pacifier. Lily, holding onto her mommy Harper's hand, looked up at the shiny lights and colorful stores, excited but content with her family close by.

"Mama, look! Pwitty wights!" Amelia said, pointing at a store window filled with twinkling lights, her words coming out with the same innocence and wonder as a two-year-old.

Billie chuckled, adjusting Amelia in her arms. "Yes, they're very pretty, sweetie," she replied, her voice full of love.

As they continued to walk through the mall, more people noticed the family. Some smiled, understanding that every family is different and that love takes many forms. Others looked puzzled, unsure of what to make of the sight. But none of that mattered to Billie, Harper, or their daughters. They were happy, secure in their love and acceptance of each other.

Harper leaned down to Lily, who was happily sucking on her pacifier and staring at a toy store with wide eyes. "Do you want to go in and look at the toys, Lily?" she asked gently.

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