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Farah's expression grew sharper, her voice taking on an edge. "Discipline and will can be taught and learned. Emotional depth is often what fuels the strongest magic. To deny that is foolish."

Luna rolled her eyes, her smirk only growing wider. "Oh, yes, of course, emotional depth. How could I forget? That's the kind of nonsense you've been peddling all these years, isn't it? Love and friendship and all that sentimental crap."Farah's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing. "Those 'sentiments' as you call them, can be powerful motivating forces. Love, friendship, loyalty, they're the driving forces behind some of the most powerful feats of magic recorded."

As the tension continued to mount between Farah, Yara, and Luna, the air suddenly crackled with an intense energy. Stella, who had been silently observing the entire exchange, chose this moment to intervene.

"Enough," she said, her voice firm yet soft. "This has gone on long enough."

Both Farah and Luna turned to face her, both taken aback by the sudden interruption.

Stella took a few steps forward, her gaze fixed on Luna. There was an undercurrent of determination in her eyes, something that hinted at a power far greater than her soft demeanor suggested.

"It's time for you to go, Mother," she said, her voice carrying an authority that left no room for argument.

Luna, uncharacteristically speechless for a moment, quickly regained her composure, her lip curling in a sneer. "Go? And why would I do that?" she retorted, her voice edged with defiance.

Stella simply smiled, the gesture holding a hint of pity. "Because your presence here serves no purpose," she replied calmly. "You're nothing but a source of negativity, a shadow that has haunted your sister's life for far too long. It's time for that shadow to move on."

Luna bristled at Stella's words, the truth in them clearly hitting a nerve. But she refused to back down, her eyes narrowing. "And you're going to make me leave?" she demanded, her voice laced with mockery.

Stella nodded, her expression solemn yet unyielding. "I will," she affirmed. "You think I can't? I can, and I will. If you refuse to go, I will make you go. You think you're more powerful than me? You're not."

There was a flicker of doubt in Luna's eyes, a moment of uncertainty as her confident veneer began to fracture. But she quickly rallied, her bravado reasserting itself. "You're bluffing," she sneered. "You don't have the power to make me do anything."

Stella's smile widened, her calm demeanor a stark contrast to Luna's growing agitation. "Am I?" she asked, her eyes holding a glint of hidden power. "You really want to find out if I'm bluffing, Mother?"

The challenge in Stella's words was clear, and for the first time, Luna seemed to waver, her eyes flickering from Stella to Farah and Yara. But her pride was too deeply ingrained, and she refused to back down. "Fine," she said, her voice hard. "Try to make me leave. See if you can. I dare you."

Stella paused, her gaze flicking over Luna, taking in every detail, every emotion playing across the young woman's face. Finally, she chuckled, a soft, almost amused sound.

"You're quite the stubborn one, aren't you, mother?" she said. "I suppose a simple request was too much to ask for. So, if you won't go willingly..."

The air around Stella began to hum with a faint, almost imperceptible energy, a feeling of power stirring. Farah and Yara, watching the exchange with a mix of concern and anticipation, could feel the change in the room. Stella was preparing to act. Luna could feel it too, her bravado starting to falter as the power in the air grew more intense. Her confidence wavered again, replaced by a hint of fear. She took a small step back, her eyes wide as they locked onto Stella. Stella's eyes were closed now, her full concentration on the energy around her. The air crackled with electricity, a storm building in a single room. Farah and Yara stood silently, both recognizing the magnitude of the power Stella was about to unleash.

With a flick of her hand, Stella directed the energy she had gathered towards Luna. It moved with a swiftness that belied its power, swirling around Luna like a miniature tornado.

"I told you," Stella said, her voice calm despite the storm in the room. "I told you I could make you go."Luna fought against the energy, but it was like fighting a force of nature. The energy around her tightened, pulling her backwards as it swirled and whirled, moving towards the door.

"No!" Luna protested, her voice laced with desperation. "No, you can't do this!"Luna tried to struggle, to fight against the force now encircling her, but it was futile. The energy encircling her was too strong, too unyielding. She tried to speak, to protest, but the words were lost in the whirlwind of power.

The water fairy (Farah Dowling )Where stories live. Discover now