Chapter #74

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Chapter #74

July 11th 2022

Scarlett’s POV

Louri and i had a long talk yesterday about the possible upcoming deployment. She has a meeting with General Jerry Benson today about if she will be going. I hope she won’t be but I have a gut feeling that she will be. Right now it’s just Thomas and I in the house well and Gizmo of course. Devon has his summer camp and Maya and Louisa are with Brie and Shanna for a girls day which really means that Brie and Shanna are going to spoil the fuck out of Maya and Louisa. Maya was so excited for today since she hasn’t really been able to go out since the accident but she got her stitches out on the sixth and the doctor gave her the all clear so Maya can go back to being a normal kid. I am brought out of my thoughts by someone entering the house. “Hey sis! It’s the tall twin!” Hunter calls out it’s a good thing he’s my twin and I love him. “I’m still older.” I say coming round the corner to greet him at the foyer. “Awe look at that cutie.” He says coming over to get his nephew. “Take off your shoes. You know the rules. I swear my four year olds have better manners than you.” He just chuckles and takes off his shoes and puts them on the shoe rack before coming to get his youngest nephew. “If I remember correctly your eldest was screaming the word ‘pussy’ at your wedding.” He says with a raised eyebrow. “He was talking about Gizmo. He knows that he can’t say that anymore.” I say and as if on cue Gizmo comes running to me and rubs himself against my legs. “Yes hello buddy.” I bend down and scratch his head. 

Hunter’s POV

I love messing with Scar about our height difference. I am an entire foot taller than her and it’s fun to mess with her. “Um sis.” I say getting her attention as we are walking to the kitchen since she wanted to make some lunch. “Yes.” She says as she takes out the ingredients for some simple chicken raps. “I think he needs to be changed.” I say. “You know where his room is. And you know how to change a diaper.” She says and I whine making her laugh at my childness and I go upstairs to Thomas’s room to get him changed. “Alright little dude, I actually have a new onesie for you. I hid it in your closet last time I was here. Where is it? Ah ha here we go. I saw it and thought it was perfect you know since your Mama is a Marine and you are named after one.” I ramble to the infant in the changing table. I get his diaper changed and into the little onesie. I'm surprised they never got one like this for  any of the others when they were babies. 

Louri’s POV

“Hey Babe, I'm home.” I say entering the kitchen seeing Scarlett making lunch but I don’t see Thomas anywhere. “Hunter came over and Thomas needed to be changed he just went up like two minutes ago.” She says as if she read my mind. “Ah. Well I’m not going to beat around the bush.” I say wrapping her in my arms making her face me and she puts her arms over my shoulders. “You are going aren’t you?” I can see the concern in her eyes and hear it in her voice. “Yeah I am. They need me.” I tell her. “Honey you don’t have to justify your job to me.” She says pulling me into her. I hear foot steps enter the kitchen and then I hear Scarlett let out a small laugh I can feel her chest vibrate as she does. “I take it you like it.” I hear Hunter say before I pull away from Scarlett just enough to look up and I smile when I see the onesie Thomas is wearing. 

“That is adorable

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“That is adorable.” I say. “Well I was at the store and I happened to be in the baby section and I remembered when Hemsworth gave you one of his hammers and Devon went around screaming ‘Mama’s worthy’ so I just had to get it.” He says with a giant grin. “It’s cute. I think that’s the first thor themed thing any of the kids have gotten.” I say. “I think you’re right.” Scarlett agrees. “Wait Louri, why are you in your fatigues? And why does Scarlett look worried? Oh god you aren’t being deployed again are you?” Hunter rambles. I know Hunter gets very worried when I get deployed. “I leave next month, it's a five month long deployment.” I tell him and he looks like he might cry. “When exactly do you leave?” Scarlett asks and I let out a sigh. “The first.” I tell her sadly since that means I will miss Thomas’s first birthday. “Are you serious? How many of your kids' birthdays are you going to miss?” Hunter says a slight bitterness in his tone. “Hunter! That’s uncalled for!” Scarlett scolds as she takes Thomas from him. “Trust me I don’t like it either Hunter. But this is my job, my career. Semper Fi isn’t just the Marine motto to me it’s a way of living to me. Always faithful to my wife, to my kids, and to my corps.” I say sternly. “I’m a Lt Colonel for fucks sake Hunter! A leader I have worked hard to be where I am in my personal and professional life. And that means that sometimes I have to miss milestones like Thomas’s first birthday. I will do my best to call but I have to go.” I rant angry at him for his comment about missing my kids' birthdays. “I’m sorry Louri what I said was uncalled for I’m just scared you are my sister in law. Fuck that you are my sister pieriod. And I don’t know what we all would do if we lost you. I know it would break Scarlett and I don’t want to see that. I just got scared and let my fear take over and said hurtful things, please forgive me.” He says walking around the kitchen island to stand in front of me. “Of course I forgive you. You big dummy.” I pull him into a hug. 

A/N: Got to have them make up. Anygays see you in the next one. 

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