Chapter #76

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Chapter# 76

July 30th 2022

Scarlett’s POV

“Shanna shut up you will ruin the surprise.” I scolded my sister in law. I came up with a plan to celebrate Thomas’s birthday a little early just with family which is why Shanna is here. We will have a birthday party with everyone else on his birthday but I just wanted a small family event before Louri leaves. “Thomas is a baby he has no idea what a surprise even is.” She says. “The surprise is for Louri dumb ass.” I tell her and she lets out an ‘oh’ and nods her head. Is that why Hunter has had my sister locked away playing video games all morning?” She asks. “Yes, that's exactly why.” I tell her as we finish setting everything up.

Louri’s POV

“Hunt, you are truly awful at this game.” I laugh at my brother in  law as we play COD on the XBox the zombie mode. “The zombie came out of nowhere ok.”  He defends poorly. “Uh huh. You are the one who said and I quote ‘how hard could a few zombies be?’ Would you like to revise that statement?” I say to him and he just huffs and rolls his eyes. “Whatever just press play I will get them this time.” He says I can hear the determination in his voice. “Sure you will.” I chuckle and press play as a new round begins and to be fair he does do better this time and lasts longer than he did before.  “Knock knock.”  I hear my wife say as she opens the door to the office where Hunter and I have been playing all morning. “Oh thank god you’re here save me from your brother he sucks at this game.” I say dramatically which earns me the middle finger from Hunter. 

Scarlett’s POV

“THAT GAME IS FUCKING RIGDED!!!” We hear Hunter yell as he bursts from the office right on time for us to surprise LOuri I just didn’t think he’d come out screaming cuss words in front of the kids “Ah it’s also a Johansson thing,” Shanna giggles at my twins outburst. “DON’T CUSS MOMMY SAYS IT’S BAD!!” Louisa scolds from the living room. “Lou Lou is absolutely… What is all this?” Louri says coming out of the office behind Hunter. “I thought you should be at his first birthday party.” I walk to Louri who is looking at the decorations for Thomas’s birthday and I hand him over to her. “You uh.. You guys did all this so I wouldn’t.” She says her voice cracking, not able to finish her sentence. “T-thank you.” She says softly, wiping a tear from her eyes with her free hand and holding Thomas close with the other. “What is with my children and hitting me in the face?” She laughs when Thomas smacks her with his little hand. “He wants your attention.” I shrug. “Well then you get all the attention you want.” I kiss Thomas’s little cheeks making him giggle a sound I will miss when I’m away. “I also found where you were hiding the gifts you got him so I brought them down to the table. Now we will have a get together later with our other family members but today it's just us." I say and Hunter and Shanna know that is their cue to leave. "Bye motherfuckers!" Devon yells with a smile. "I didn't teach him that one." Louri defends quickly. "I know that. I know exactly who taught him that." I say. "I'm going to call Sam. Can you please explain to Devon why he can't say that?" I say and she nods and I pull out my phone and call Sam. "Hello Scarlett. What's up?" Sam says when he answered the phone. “Sam what did I tell you about teaching my kids cuss words?!” I scold the man old enough to be my father. “It was an accident! I’m sorry!” He panics. “Don’t do it again. Do you understand Samuel?” I say in my ‘mom’voice and I hear him gulp when I use his full name. “Yes ma’am.” He says. “Good I don’t want to have this talk again Samuel.” I tell him and he tells me it won’t happen again and we say our goodbyes and hang up and when I turn around Louri is staring at me with her jaw open. “What?” I ask. “Did you just full name THE Samuel L Jackson?” She asks. “I am THE mama bear don’t mess with my children.” I tell her and she nods with a grin. “You know people make the assumption that I’m the mom they shouldn’t mess with since I’m a Marine but Thomas it’s your Mommy they should be afraid of.” Louri says to Thomas, making me shake my head. I know that she can be just as much as a ‘Mama Bear' as me when someone messes with the kids.

A/N: Don’t mess with Mama Bear. This chapter was Chris’s idea. Anygays. 

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