Chapter Five- Paparazzi

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Blair’s POV

I’m at my condo getting ready for my date tonight with Niall. I think that’s his name. Whatever. He called me earlier and said he was taking me out to dinner. I texted him my address and he told me he was on his way. I’ve decided to keep it simple. A short dark blue mini dress, gold pumps and a few accessories. I tie my hair up in a bun and dab on a little makeup. I hear a knock on my door and decide to wait a few minutes before answering. Gotta keep them waiting.

When I finally open the door I see Niall. He has roses in his hands and I smile at his choice. Those are my favorite flowers. He hands them to me and I see what he’s wearing. A white polo, black fitted jeans and red high tops that match his Chicago Bulls snapback.

“You look nice.” He speaks and I smile taking the flowers he brought for me.

“So do you. And thanks for the flowers. Roses are my favorite.” His grin gets wider like I just fed his ego or something.

“You ready?” I nod and he takes my hand in his intertwining our fingers.

I smile at the gesture and he takes us to a black Escalade that was waiting for us. He has nice taste in cars. He opens the door for me and I make sure to get in so he has a good view of my ass. What? I had to do it. He gets in after me and we do a little small talk on the ride there but nothing much. I don’t know where he’s taking me but I don’t really care. The car comes to a stop and the doors open.

I’m blinded immediately by camera flashes and people screaming mine and Niall’s name. We make our way into the restaurant and I feel his hand tighten around mine. I look up at Niall and he looks scared. His breathing is uneven and I rub his back to try and help him. I think he might be having a mini panic attack. He finally sighs and gives me a forced smile and I do my best to return it. I look up at the hostess and finally see where we are. The Palm-West Hollywood. Really good taste. We are seated and I keep my eyes right on Niall as he messes with his hands under the table.

“Hey.” I hit his knee under the table and he looks at me. “You alright?”

“Yeah it’s just a lot of people...”

“Freak you out?” He nods and looks back down. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” I smile and hit his arm playfully.

“Mhm.” He mumbles and the waitress comes. We give her our order and I turn back to Niall.



“Spiders freak me out. Like just the sight of one and I’m screaming and running away. No matter the size of them. I just hate spiders.”

“Even the really small ones that you can barely see?” I can hear he’s trying to hold back a laugh.

“Yup.” I shrug and he breaks out laughing. “Hey I didn’t laugh at you.”

“Ok ok. You’re right. I’m sorry.” He holds his hands up and I smile.

We spent the rest of our evening eating and talking about different things. He told me about his career and how it get started and I told him about my family legacy that is the Walton Hotel. I laugh at the stories he tells me involving the boys and he does the same when I tell him things about Tess, Jace, and I. He really does seem like a cool guy. He pays for the dinner, even though I offered to split it and we leave the restaurant.

“So what do you want to do now?” He asks stepping closer to me as we reach the car. I know he is implying something else but I’m not that easy.

“Let’s go to the Santa Monica Pier.” I smile and we ride to the pier.

“Wow.” Is all he can say

He looks around and I tug his hand so we can ride some rides. I pay for the tickets and he agrees after my pleading. We play a few games and I see how he gets mad when he loses. I just laugh and he rolls his eyes. I tug him all over the pier and he decides to end the night on a ferris wheel. Great.

“How about we just do another game instead?” I ask trying to walk in the opposite direction of the ride.

“Oh c’mon. It’s just a ferris wheel.” He keeps walking and I stop. “What?”

“I’m afraid of heights.” I sigh and wait for his laughing but it never comes.

“I’ll keep you safe.” He smiles and I give in.

We get on the ferris wheel and I burry my face into Niall’s neck when it starts moving. He has my hand gripped tightly in his and I smile at the action. The ride keeps moving and the sounds are getting fainter and fainter. I look up and see we are at the top. I move my head to see how high we are and quickly regret it. I just move closer to Niall and hear him laugh a little.

This was his plan all along. Hmm. A sneaky little Irishman. I move my lips so they are at his neck and hear his breath hitch. I run them lightly along his neck while moving my free hand to his thigh. I gently trace circles up his leg until I hit the place where I need to be. His already growing bulge. I smirk and plant my lips on his neck making him let out a raspy moan. I palm him through his jeans while leaving a love mark on his neck. The ride starts moving and we are finally at the bottom again when I remove my hands and my lips and get out the cart first.

I look back at him and see his once baby blue eyes are dark and full of lust. I smirk and walk quickly to the car. Once I’m there I feel Niall turn me around and crash his lips to mine while pinning me to the car. I moan at the contact and he smirks in the kiss. He swipes his tongue along my lower lip but I don’t let him in. He groans and I slip away from him opening the car door and getting in. He quickly follows me and I back up in the seat so my head is pressed against the window legs on the seat.

He smirks and crawls on top of me reconnecting our lips. I run my hands through his hair and he runs his up my thigh. I let out a moan as his fingers get closer and closer to my slit. He rubs my through my lace underwear and I moan loudly making him smile. He pulls my underwear aside and right when I think he’s going to do it he stops and sits up looking at me. I give him a smirk and do the same so we are now eye level. I pull his lips back to mine and this time he’s underneath me.  I unbuckle his jeans and slide my hand down his briefs. I smile when he lets out a moan and I pump him at a fast rate. Right when I feel him twitch in my hand, I stop and his eyes snap open. I smirk placing a few kisses on his neck and roll off of him. The car stops and I readjust my dress before getting out.

“This was fun.” I wink and close the car door behind me.

I hear him groan before the door slams and smile even harder. This is definitely my game.

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