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(A/N and here's the long awaited ending!! Hope you all love it!!! Oh and make sure to watch Best Song Ever! If you haven't seen it the video is on the side!!!! Xx)

Jace’s POV

It’s been a few months since I talked to Harry or even seen him. He calls almost everyday but I just ignore them. I know it’s a bit hypocritical because the girls and I had a bet too, but we weren’t expecting to fall. I’m eating lunch with Blair before returning to my own record label. It’s not very popular yet, but it’s getting there.

“Jace are you even listening?” Blair cuts my thoughts by throwing  a fry at me.

“Sorry. Just thinking...” I trail off and she nods.

“About Harry.”

“Yup.” I sigh and before Blair can say anything her phone rings.

“Tess!” She yells into the ear piece and I grab her phone from her putting it on speaker.

“Hey bitches!”

“How are you doing in the Big Apple?” I ask missing my best friend.

“I'm doing good! I’m at the venue where my show will be held tonight and... Hey that doesn’t go there! Ugh idiots!” Tess yells and we can hear her stomping toward someone or something.

“Tess. You have to calm down. Your show will go just fine.” Blair speaks calmly into the phone while Tess still yells at whoever pissed her off.

“It better or I will have all of their asses! That’s for damn sure! Damn it! Ok I have to go before I run somebody over! I will talk to you two later!”

“Bye Tess! We love you! Good luck tonight!” B and I yell before hanging up.

“Alright I have to go back to the office.” I sigh standing from our table.

“Look at you sounding all professional!”

“Shut up.” I laugh and Blair and I pay for our lunch before walking to our cars.

“I have to go and figure out the money situation of my future hospital! Finishing touches before I officially get it.”

“You will get it B. Don’t worry.” I give her a smile and we hug before going our separate ways.

I walk into my record label and just look around. It’s a normal sized building with only one recording studio in the back. The front of the office has a window for one wall and the rest are decked out in posters, pictures, and other things of some of my favorite artists with a little help from my father. We are patching things up now that he sees I'm serious about my label. I’m about to walk to the back when my receptionists pulls my arm.

“Um there is someone here to see you. They are already in the recording booth. He said he knows you...” She trails off.

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