Chapter Eight- Charity

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Niall’s POV

Blair holds my hand the entire time we walk down the yellow carpet. I watched as she put on her best fake smile and answered questions about her family. I wonder how many lies she told to them. We finally get inside the venue and we already see the rest of our group seated.

“God I hate people. They are so stupid.” She sighs and I pull her seat out for her before taking mine.

“They ask you the same questions didn’t they?” Jace speaks before taking a sip of her drink.

“Yeah. How do you feel about this? What about the hotel in Spain? Blah blah blah. Like I could care less!” She exclaims and we all laugh.

“Welcome everyone to the Walton Hotel Sunshine event.” A man speaks and I hear Blair groan next to me. “My family and I... Come on Blair.” He gives her a smile and she returns a fake one while waving at the crowd.

“That’s her father.” Jace speaks and I nod.

“No shit Jace.” Tess responds and we all laugh a little.

“My family and I would like to thank you all for making this charity event more special than it could ever be. Please enjoy yourselves and make generous donations. Thank you.” Mr. Walton waves his hand and Blair and her mother quickly follow his lead and get off the stage.

I watch Blair’s father try to grab her arm but she yanks it away quickly and comes back to the table. I go to ask her what is wrong but I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“How is everyone doing?” I turn and see her father.

“Just great Mr. Walton. Lovely event.” Tess smiles and we all nod.

“Why thank you. It’s always great seeing you two and whoever Blair is currently dating.”

“Really dad! Can’t you just leave me alone. I showed up didn’t I?” She whispers and I tense because I’m in the middle of them.

“Can we just talk Blair. I’m sure your friends and current arm toy will be here when you get back.”

“Okay first off you are not going to address him like that. His name is Niall and second off I have nothing to say to you.” She stands from her seat and gives me an apologetic look before storming off.

“That could have went better. It was nice seeing you all and meeting you Niall.” He sticks his hand out for me to shake but I don’t return the gesture.

“I’m going to go find Blair and make sure she’s alright. Ya know, have to be a good arm toy.” I speak directly to Mr. Walton and stand from my chair.

That ass. Now I know why she hates her family. He is horrible. And talking like I wasn’t even there! No respect at all. I search the entire venue and go outside the back door. I see Blair sitting on a bench hunched over and crying.

“Blair...” I touch her shoulder and she yanks it away.

“Just go away Niall.”

“No.” I take the seat next to her and she looks up at me. I wipe the tears away and she gives me a weary smile.

“God I’m so embarrassed. I apologize for my father. I really do. He’s...”

“An ass.” I chuckle and so does she.

“Yeah. That’s an understatement.” She leans her head on my shoulder and I snake my arm around her waist pulling her closer.

“I think it’s cool.”

“What’s cool?”

“Your idea. Opening a hospital for the needy. I...”

“Would have never thought I would do something like that.” She removes her head and rolls her eyes.

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s fine. Most people don’t believe me. Or believe in me. Like my father.” She spits his name like she hates it.

“There’s more to you and your fathers story isn’t it.” She sighs but doesn’t answer me. “It’s none of my business. Forget I asked.”

“Let’s go back inside.” She stands and reaches her hand out for me to take.

We re-enter the building and see our table is deserted. I look and see Zayn and Tess by the bar and Jace and Harry on the mini dance floor. Blair and I go back to our table and just talk and laugh at everybody there. What they are wearing. How they are dancing. I swear rich LA people are hilarious. A woman walks up and I can see she’s a little tipsy and Blair stands quickly removing the drink from her hand.

“Mom give me that.” She snatches it and hands the drink to me.

“Blair... Who’s your friend?” She slurs and Blair just rolls her eyes.

“This is Niall. Niall this is my intoxicated mother who needs to go home.”

“I’m... fine. Niall you should come by our house tomorrow night for dinner! I would love to... talk to you.” She smiles and I do my best to return it.

“Yeah she would love to actually remember the conversation.” She walks her mother to a different table and comes back to ours grabbing her things.

“Where are we going?” I ask standing with her waving for Harry and Zayn to come over.

“I don’t know. But I’m getting the hell out of here. Tess, Jace lets go.” We all nod and leave the event.

If that’s what she has to put up with, I don’t blame her for hating her family.

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