Chapter Twenty Seven: The beast inside the dungeon.

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Third Person's POV

Eveline did not lively return to her own body. Her eyes were filled with sadness, seemingly oblivious to the furious monster on her left side. She couldn't control her emotions any longer, and tears started streaming down her face. Meanwhile, the awakened monster took a step towards Eveline. The ground trembled heavily with every step the monster took. It was as if an intense earthquake shook the entire surroundings. The monster let out a loud roar and punched the ground, causing it to crack and nearly make Eveline fall, but the monster grabbed her leg just in time. It was only then that Eveline realized she had a companion monster. The monster was about to devour Eveline when Emerald suddenly appeared and stabbed one of its eyes with a sword. Emerald soared through the air, as the monster was taller than him. After the sword pierced its eye, the monster released Eveline and held its bleeding eye. Emerald gracefully flew through the air and caught Eveline on his back. He flew swiftly, circling around the roaring monster. The monster grew angrier and released a thick smoke.

"Don't breathe it in, Eveline," Emerald warned, but Eveline seemed to not hear anything. She just lay on Emerald's back, lost in deep thoughts. Her eyes welled up with tears from intense crying. It was evident that she was extremely tired and deeply saddened. She didn't mind the pain in her body and covered her eyes with her left arm. She let out deep sighs, inhaling the dense smoke expelled by the monster. After a while, she felt a severe dizziness, yet she smiled. Slowly, she stood up as if all her fractures had completely healed from the fall down the stairs. She spread her arms and smiled while continuing to inhale the smoke, and after a few minutes, she fell limp.

"Eveline! Damn!!" Emerald exclaimed, quickly catching the still-laughing Eveline.

The beast let out another loud scream that could destroy anyone's ears. It released a punch in the air, but Emerald managed to dodge it. Perhaps it was struggling to see due to the sword piercing its other eye. The beast created small smoke clouds and hurled them towards Emerald, who swiftly avoided them. The beast grew even angrier. The beast summoned its underlings—twelve monsters who threw large rocks at Emerald. Emerald found it difficult to dodge the multitude of rocks coming their way. Eventually, his stomach was hit by a large stone he couldn't avoid. He embraced Eveline to ensure her safety as his body collided with the dungeon's hard wall. Emerald sustained a wound on his back, and thick, viscous blood oozed out. His body collapsed to the ground while still holding onto Eveline. The wound on his back grew larger from hitting the ground. When he noticed the twelve monsters forming a large rock, thrown by the giant beast, he immediately covered Eveline's body. Without hesitation, he caught the gigantic rock, which struck his injured back.

After a few minutes of Emerald lying face down on Eveline's body, his body finally collapsed to the ground while a continuous flow of blood gushed from his large wound.
"Emerald?" Eveline asked, crying. She shook Emerald, but he didn't wake up again. The twelve small monsters approached her and snatched her arm, bringing her closer to the giant beast.
The beast held Eveline's body and brought it close to its face. Eveline struggled against the giant hand gripping her body. However, the large hand encompassed her from her neck down to her legs and feet, preventing her from escaping. The beast licked her head, covering it with sticky saliva. Eveline's eyes stared at the beast, waiting for what it would do next. The beast's mouth opened, revealing its crimson tongue and saliva. Its throat was still enormous, and its teeth were razor-sharp. Eveline was brought closer to the beast's mouth, and she immediately smelled its foul breath. Within seconds, the beast dropped Eveline into its mouth. It gulped loudly as if it was completely satisfied with its meal.

Denise's POV
I woke up feeling great the next morning, so I took charge of cooking breakfast for our group of friends. I was tired of Junave's burnt cooking. And walking to the dining area seemed too much of a hassle. It was so far away.
"Whoa, is this real?" Jen exclaimed, still with some dried saliva in her mouth.
"Why? What's going on? What do you see?" Loremare quickly interjected at the door, also surprised to see me. She had just woken up and hadn't even brushed her tangled hair yet.
"Move aside there. I'm thirsty," Diane pushed the two girls blocking the door. Before she could step into the kitchen, she suddenly froze upon seeing me cooking. Their reactions were over the top. Crazy!
"Aish! Clear the way!" Junave pushed Diane back, almost causing her to fall on the floor. Fortunately, her demon caught her just in time.
"Why did you push me, Junave?" Diane angrily shouted.
"Why did you block the way? And you're just standing there, even with drool on your mouth. Disgusting!" Junave retorted, visibly disgusted.
Diane quickly wiped the corner of her lips and wiped her hands on Junave's clothes.
"You're really gross, Diane! You even used my clothes as a rag. You've been doing this since yesterday! Do you really want to taste my fist? Huh? I'll give it to you!"
"What's wrong with you two? It's early in the morning," I said, interrupting the two of them. Junave noticed me and, like the others, she also stood there dumbfounded.
"Is it really you, Denise? Are you holding a ladle? You might get burned by that!" she said, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.
"What do you think of me? Can't I cook?" I squinted at the four of them while stirring the adobo chicken I was cooking. Honestly, it's the only dish I know how to cook. But of course, let's keep that a secret. Shhhh.
"I noticed, why is it that every time Denise cooks, it's always adobo?" Jen asked, furrowing her brows.
"Maybe that's the only dish she knows how to cook. HAHAHAHAHA." Loremae laughed with a twang. Her laughter was contagious, not because of her joke, but because of her way of laughing.
"Okay, enough laughing. Maybe you don't want to have breakfast?" I threatened them. They all stopped laughing simultaneously and cleared their throats.
"Change of topic. I wonder what happened to Eveline?" Lucille asked.
"Why? Are you concerned? Do you want to join her? Just say it." I raised an eyebrow at her. She quickly shrugged.
"Just asking." She pouted and grabbed her food.
"Hahaha. Maybe Gregy already ate her. Hahaha." Loremae joked while taking rice and our food.
"Gregy?" Junave, Diane, and Lucille asked, puzzled. Jen, on the other hand, didn't care. As long as she had food to eat, she didn't get involved in conversations.
"Yes!" Loremae replied with her mouth full, causing bits of food to fly out as she spoke. We all stood up and cringed. Loremae just liked giving names to anything or any creature. I don't know why she does that.
"YOU KNOW WE'RE EATING, RIGHT?! FIX YOUR MOUTH. OTHERWISE, YOU'RE IN TROUBLE WITH ME! DON'T-TALK-WHEN-YOUR-MOUTH-IS-FULL." Jen was furious. She hated being disturbed while eating. She absolutely despised it. That's her pleasure. FOOD.
THUS don't mess with her, especially when she's EATING.
"Sorry, sorry. Hahaha," Loremae apologized while wiping Jen's clothes that got splattered with food. They were facing each other, so she ended up getting more splattered.
"I'll do it! Tss." Jen grabbed the napkin and wiped it herself. I just shook my head and continued eating.
"Do you know what I'm thinking?" Diane asked.
"We don't know! We each have our own thoughts! Duh!" Junave replied.
"You're really dumb, aren't you?! That's a way of saying in changing the topic!" Diane exclaimed.
"Whoa. When did that become a thing? And who started it?" Junave questioned.
"ME! Do you have a problem with that? I'll stab your brain with this fucking fork!" Diane threatened.
"Stop it, guys. What were you thinking about anyway?" Lucille intervened while grabbing the remaining piece of adobo in the bowl. It just so happened that she and Jen reached for the last chicken wing at the same time.
"This is mine," Jen claimed.
"Oh no! I was first!" Lucille. Their eyes were now glaring at each other as they fought over the chicken wing. Both of their forks were stuck in the same piece of chicken. Tsk-tsk. When will the argument between these two end?
"Aish! You're so noisy!" Loremae exclaimed as she grabbed the chicken and stuffed it into her mouth. That made me laugh. There they go again! Those two are just too dramatic. Arguing over forks! Loremae even beat them to it.
"There you go! You three are legends! You made Madam laugh!" Diane commented.
I cleared my throat. Then I picked up my plate and placed it in the sink. I took a sip of water while Diane got serious again.
"Honestly speaking, I feel like... that girl survived." She stared at her plate as she spoke.
"Do you want to check?" I asked with a smirk.
"GAME!" Loremae immediately agreed with a wide smile on her face.
I raised my left eyebrow while grinning. 'Just wait and see. Eveline is already a poop. Hahahaha.'

Third person's POV
Eveline is inside the monster's stomach. She couldn't hold back the disgust and ended up vomiting uncontrollably. The insides of the monster were sticky and still moving. Eveline felt like her stomach had turned upside down. She instinctively held her forehead, feeling dizzy. And then, she suddenly lost consciousness.
She woke up in the palace and was immediately greeted by a woman named Rose.
"Want me to help you?" Rose offered with a smile.
"What do you mean?" Eveline asked.
"I can help you. I can get you out of his stomach." She raised an eyebrow and maintained a smile on her face.
"How arrogant! Why? What can you do?"
"I can do anything. Better than your stupid and weak demon."
"Really, huh?" Eveline said with a mocking tone while shaking her head.
"I'm not joking here!" she said seriously.
"Oops," Eveline interrupted with a teasing grin on her face, "Did I hurt your ego?"
"I'm definitely serious. I can even destroy that beast."
"Really? Is that so?" Eveline pretended to be surprised. "Okay then, prove it to me."
"All you have to do is to accept me. Because you, and me, are only ONE," she said with a serious tone.
"Why are you saying that we're the same? You have your own body, and I have mine."
"You really don't understand! I AM. YOUR. DARK SIDE. Aren't you wondering why you're so pure? Huh?! Because you disregard me!! You abandoned me! After what you've done to our parents. You just left without a word!"
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Eveline asked, confused.
"Why is it so hard for you to comprehend? You're so weak!" she shouted angrily while slapping Eveline's head. "We were ONE. You are the good side, and I am the bad side. When we killed our parents, I was the only one suffering. You know why? Because you left me! You thought that I was the one who killed our family, but NO. I didn't kill them. WE. WE KILLED THEM. Yet, you forgot about it and MOVED ON. You were happy while I was locked up in this palace of hell! I can't even get out, and I keep remembering the day when our parents died. While you were just laughing with your new found family! You are so damn selfish! Why? Why did you abandon me?"
"I didn't know. I'm sorry." Eveline was about to leave when Rose grabbed her arm and choked her.
"Accept me. Or you'll become my replacement here. You'll become a prisoner in this palace and suffer for all I care! You should be thankful because I'm giving you a choice! Now, make your choice! Accept me, or suffer."
"Do I even have a choice?" Eveline said with a smile. In her mind, she believed in Rose.
'I already know that she's a part of me. She's my missing piece. That's why sometimes I feel like something is missing. Like I'm inside a big shell, searching for the light. But I can't find it because there's a missing piece. I have a missing piece! And that's her. She's my other half. She contains my lost memories. But should I be happy? Am I ready to uncover my past? But what if I dig up unpleasant and rotten memories? Can I face them? Because when I found out that I MYSELF WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED MY PARENTS, I was deeply hurt. I'm still hurting now, and I haven't fully accepted it. What if there's more?' Eveline thought.
The surroundings lit up, and Eveline returned to the monster's stomach. But something had changed in her. She was much more determined! It looked like she had been reborn. Her eyes were glaring, and her fist clenched.
A wide grin escaped her as she immediately punched the beast's stomach. The monster let out an angry growl. A circular hole formed in the beast's pierced stomach, and Eveline elegantly emerged, leaping down and landing gracefully on the ground with a mischievous smile on her lips. She stood with her back to the giant monster, facing its twelve minions.
Eveline couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She approached Emerald, who was currently unconscious, and picked up a sharp stone. She cut Emerald's arm, causing blood to flow from the wound. As she touched the blood, it transformed into a sword. It was crimson, but extremely sharp. It looked beautiful but dangerous.
With a swift swing of the bloodied sword, the twelve minions of the giant monster were sliced into ashes. Their blood splattered on the walls and the ground. One of her eyebrows raised, and she burst into a wicked laughter. She seemed to revel in the sight of bloodstains on the walls and the ground. Other creatures nearby were alerted and approached Eveline, but her face didn't show a trace of fear. Instead, her grin widened. The noise created by lions, tigers, snakes, wolves, mad dogs, and other monsters reverberated, but Eveline's demonic laughter prevailed.
"Go ahead! Ask for help! Because now is the end for all of you!" she exclaimed, and immediately she lunged at the tiger, stabbing it in the muzzle. Eveline stood on the tiger's head, pressing the sword down forcefully before yanking it out violently. This caused the tiger's blood to splatter on her clothes and face. She wiped the blood off her face with her hand, but some remained on the corner of her lips, in her hair, and on her neck, which she seemed to have overlooked. Just as the snake was about to strike, she swiftly sliced its head off. The decapitated head of the snake flew towards the giant monster's feet. She was still riding on the tiger's head, which was still alive. Eveline jumped off the tiger's head and quickly stabbed its stomach. She opened the tiger's belly, and its insides spilled out. As she felt it gradually collapsing, she distanced herself. Eveline seemed like a maniac, enjoying the bloodshed. The mad dogs and wolves approached her, and she charged towards them simultaneously. An dog bit her arm, and she looked at it with annoyance before swiftly slicing its body in half. Just as the wolf was about to attack, she preempted it. She punched it in the snout and stabbed it in the stomach. Then she severed its legs.

Eveline could only shake her head as the animals died. She didn't even break a sweat! Eveline was busy eating and laughing at the havoc she had caused. That's why she didn't notice the giant monster and it immediately grabbed her. The monster held her tightly and brought her close to its face. Eveline spat at the monster and forcefully opened its two arms, causing it to let go of her. She fell and her back hit the hard ground, causing her to cough up thick blood. Slowly, she stood up and ran towards the back of the monster. She grabbed onto its leg and began to climb. The monster kept kicking, trying to shake Eveline off, but she held on tightly. When the monster stopped kicking, she climbed up again until she reached its head. Without hesitation, she stabbed the center of its head with the sword made from Emerald's blood. That's when the monster went wild, experiencing immense pain that shook the ground and the walls. It felt like the dungeon was about to crumble. After a while, Eveline forcefully pulled out the sword, and the monster let out a loud scream. The monster punched the wall repeatedly, causing it to collapse. The ground cracked open due to the monster's violent rampage. And a bright sunlight flooded the surroundings. The entire dungeon seemed to be on the verge of destruction. Soon, Eveline noticed the seven elites. She was still riding on the monster's head, which was gradually falling to the ground. Just as it was about to hit the ground, she jumped off and landed perfectly on the grass. Right in front of the seven elites, who were all dumbfounded.
"Emerald, come back," Eveline whispered to her pulse. Soon, Eveline's eyes slowly turned bloodshot.
"The beast inside the dungeon," Denise said, looking at Eveline, who was covered in blood. Eveline grinned and suddenly lost consciousness.

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