Chapter Twenty Eight: Eyes are the door to one's soul.

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I am left here on the veranda while they are already asleep. Thinking. Reflecting. I don't even know what time it is. It's already late at night, but I still can't sleep. And I don't even know why I find myself looking at the veranda on the 50th floor. And when I found it empty, I feel something strange. What the hell??? What's happening to me?!

In an attempt to drive away this strange feeling, I closed my eyes. I tried to feel the cold breeze of the wind touching my skin. The wind blew, gently rustling my hair. It almost feels like I'm flying. I opened my eyes and found myself holding onto the railings, looking down. I want to fly. But I don't want to borrow Emerald's wings. The process is painful. It feels like my skin is being peeled off as the wings grow on my back. So NO. DEFINITELY NO. What if I jump from here?

I'm sure Emerald would catch me before I hit the ground. So why not try??? No one can see me. Only me. And Emerald. It's between me and my demon.

I felt excitement as I stepped onto the railing handle. Balancing myself with my arms wide open. Slowly, I let myself fall. As I fell, I immediately felt the strong force of the wind against my whole body. It felt like it was whipping me, but instead of being scared, I was enjoying it. It was exhilarating. I felt like a bird soaring freely.

"Wooo~" I shouted while looking down. As I got closer to the ground, I prepared myself to call for Emerald. I brought the tattoo on my wrist close to my mouth, ready to whisper. But suddenly, I saw SOMEONE and he jumped in my direction, catching me immediately. Bridal carry. He's too close! I struggled to break free from his hold, but I felt his grip tightening. I looked at his face in annoyance. Why does he always appear out of nowhere?? And he's always ruining my ME TIME. His expression is blank, but his eyes are glaring. His eyes are fierce, but they're not looking at me. A few moments passed, and we landed safely on the ground while I just stared at his face.
"Why the fuck did you think of committing suicide?" were the first words he uttered as soon as he put me down.

"Suicide?!" I asked him in confusion. I never thought of that! Even though I am currently going through a tough time as my forgotten memories slowly return, piece by piece. But I would never want to kill myself!! That's a terrible way to die. I would rather die while saving people than to die in vain.

"The heck! You had no right to die now! I need your blood. It's a give and take relationship. I'm using you, and you're using me," he said, running his hand through his hair. I immediately noticed his furrowed brow and the meeting of his eyebrows.

"Excuse me, but in what way am I gaining something by using you?" I shouted with raised eyebrows. "Between the two of us, only you benefit! You're currently LIVING by drinking my blood! But me? What have I gained from you? Nothing, right? Except for headaches and frequent fainting due to blood loss! You're totally useless to me! Is there even a way to break this fucking contract?!"

I didn't know why, but I was so angry! I'm so frustrated! Maybe because I found out that he's just USING me. Who would want that? Nobody would want to be USED BY ANYONE. Especially if that person is the person you HATED THE MOST. God! I'm so mad! I want to break this freaking contract! I want to kill him!! But how would I do that??? If I AM STILL HIS SO-CALLED 'BLOOD SUPPLIER'? I can't hurt him if our connection isn't severed.

"There is. But I won't tell a soul. Why the heck would I?! When you're totally beneficial to me," he said blankly. I couldn't read him. It's so hard to read this man!

"Okay!! And you have been benefited more than enough!" I approached him while staring directly into his eyes. "From this day forward, YOU. ARE NOT ALLOWED. TO GO NEAR ME, servant," I said and immediately turned my back, whispering to Emerald's tattoo.

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