Chapter Four: The Possessed

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If I think about it, Emerald's words make sense. The most important thing is to wake them up. We need to leave this place because the fire might reach us, and their demons might harm us. I searched for a sharp object and carefully cut their hands, hoping the pain would rouse them from their slumber. As I waited for them to awaken, I found the notebook that I was looking for earlier. I had dropped it when I saw the red moon. I picked it up and noticed the medicine that Salem had given us earlier. I hadn't taken it before because I wasn't sure what it was for. My heart sank as I realized my mistake, and I dropped the notebook in shock when I read the medicine's effect. IT'S A SLEEPING MEDICINE.

"A sleeping potion? Why did they take it? What was the purpose?" I couldn't understand what was happening around me. It was all so difficult to absorb, and I was scared of what might happen next.

I heard a piercing scream from all of them.

Fear engulfed my system.
In an instant, their demons returned to their respective bodies. I thought the worst was over, but my hope faded when I realized that the demons were slowly consuming them.

Possessed. They are being possessed!
Their demons are slowly taking control of my friends' bodies.
No! This can't be happening!

"NOOO!" Please don't. Don't let your demons defeat you. Don't let them possess you.

"No, this can't be happening," I muttered to myself, my heart pounding with fear. Watching my friends being consumed by their demons was a nightmare I couldn't escape. The horror of the situation was almost too much to bear, and I felt lost and confused, struggling to make sense of what was happening.

"Wait, the medicine." Tears streaming down my face as I picked up the notebook and checked it again. The herbal sleeping potion. Did they take it intentionally, wanting to stay asleep and avoid their demons? And had I foolishly woken them up, putting them in danger? I felt a crushing weight of guilt and responsibility settle on my shoulders. What had I done? I was to blame for everything that had happened.

I've made a mistake!

The biggest mistake of my life!
I sat on the cold hard ground, staring blankly at the people I considered family, slowly being consumed by darkness.

"Please, don't let yourselves be possessed," I begged, wiping away the tears that kept falling. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my friends to their demons. I wanted to help them, to protect them from the horrors that were consuming them. But I knew deep down that there was little I could do. All I could do was watch and hope that they would find a way to fight back.

I approached them and tried to hug each of them, but they pushed me away. I could see their appearance changing before my eyes. Their bodies contorted and twisted into grotesque forms, their eyes turning black and their skin growing cold and ashen. They were no longer human, nor cursed-- but demons. The people I had known and loved were gone, replaced by creatures consumed by darkness. When the cursed are possessed, there is no sense of humanity left in them. The only thing that remains is a desire for destruction and chaos. It was a terrifying sight, and I felt a deep sense of sadness and loss as I realized that I might never see my friends again.

"No! Please don't!" I begged as I saw them leaving. I knew they were headed to town to cause chaos. They saw me, but they didn't acknowledge me, maybe because they didn't want to hurt me. And I could see the sadness in their eyes. They are still my friends!

As I followed them, suddenly there was a heavy downpour accompanied by a loud thunder and violent gusts of wind. It was Salem, Wency, and Vince who caused it. They were able to control the rain, thunder, and wind.
Gradually, the trees and grass started to melt away. That was Gary. And Honey who turned into a snake couldn't look at me. Renz, on the other hand, just stared at the burning town. I knew they didn't want to hurt me. That's why they were leaving, but I didn't want them to wreak havoc on the town. I wanted them to go back to the way they were.

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