Chapter 6: Breaking and entering

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So that's a picture of what Jack looks like to me.

After I was done talking to Melissa and Joey I marched to up to my room. I was mad that we couldn't find anything about Synthia. I decided to call Jack and see if he found anything

"What up?

"Did you find anything?"

"Nope, that David kid is always out with his friends, and his parents are so busy they don't come home usually."

I suppressed a loud sigh. How are we going to get anywhere with the amount of evidence we had?

"What about you?"

"Synthia had an ex- boyfriend, Theo Witworth. They had a long distance relationship. He cheated on her and they broke up at least three months ago."

"Who was the girl?"

"She's a freshman in high school, her name was Anna Spade. She went to the same school he was at."

I hear Jack sigh loudly.

"Rose isn't going to be happy."

"I know, just keep looking. I'll call back later." I said

After I hung up I got my laptop out and searched for "Adams Academy Murder"

There was nothing. Not a single article about it. How could that be?

I went downstairs to where Bryan and Melissa were. "Yes Scarlett?" Bryan asked looking up from the newspaper. "Hi, uh, this might sound weird but...u tried looking for anything about Synthia's murder involved with the school and I couldn't find anything." I say softening my tone. "Oh yes we know, the school doesn't want the public to know, they said it was for the students safety," Melissa said sipping her tea.

Huh? The school covered this up? Why?

"And you agreed to this...cover up?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes, we don't want other kids to get hurt" Bryan said. I just nodded and slowly went back upstairs.

This doesn't make sense. Why would the school cover up something like this? Why would the Winters agree with it? Something was definitely off about this. I called Jack.
"Find anything?"

"Yeah, listen I have..a plan, but you have to promise you won't freak out.

"Scar, when have I ever not freaked out about your plans?"


"I can't believe we're actually doing this!" Jack hissed at me as we climbed through the window. "Relax, all we have to do is log into the principles computer and look for the locker Synthia had." I said readjusting my gloves. Jack dismissively shook his head.
I rolled my eyes at him in response .

I quickly typed the password that Alex from HQ gave me. It loaded for a few seconds and then logged on. Once it was done I clicked the file that said "students".
I scrolled down to the letter S and found Synthia at the bottom. I quickly skimmed the layout and found her locker number. It was locker number 128. Are you kidding me?!
It's the locker next to mine? What a waste of time. I obviously didn't mention that to Jack because then I would look like a huge dummy. Just then I saw the handle of the door star to turn.

"Jesus! Get out now!" I heard Jack whispering. I grabbed his hand and slipped out the window and into the night.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugghhhhh." I groaned as I slapped my alarm clock onto the floor.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Jeez! I'm getting up!" I said pushing myself of my stomach and stood up. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hello? Anyone here?" I called out, hearing my voice echo throughout the room. I walked over to the fridge and found a green post it note stuck to the handle.

Had to go to a charity event with Callie. See you after school.
- Melissa and Bryan

I took the post it note and set it aside on the counter top. I finished my bowl of cereal about five minutes later and went up to the bathroom showered. Blow dried my hair and got dressed. I took a pair of dark blue ripped skinny jeans and a striped navy blue shirt. I put I checked my bag for my gun, checked if it was in safety mode and headed out to the bus stop to meet Jack.

I finally got to the bus stop and met up with Jack, we entered the bus and sat at our spot in the back, this time Thomas and Eric were waiting for us.

I smiled and sat next to Eric. We were talking about our favorite movies when Chance interrupted me.

Damn this boy!
"Good morning princess."

"Morning rich boy." I said sarcastically.

I heard Thomas and Eric giggle at my comment. I saw Chance give them a glare and they immediately shut up. Chance smiled and turns back to me. Why is he so interested in me? I held my bag that contained my gun close to my stomach.

"How come you won't leave me alone?" I asked, annoyed.

He shrugged. "I find you interesting princess." He said running his hands through his hair. I instantly looked away, since I could feel my checks flush.

Curse you for being so cute! Dammit.

"I punched you, isn't that enough warning?" I asked. He shook his head, his hair flipping too.

Argh! Stay focused Scarlett.

The bus finally stopped and I grabbed Jacks hand and rushed out into the crowd of students.

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