Chapter 10: Unexpected Events

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My eyes widened at Rose.

She knew Chance?



"Hi Rose, it's nice to see you again." Chance said avoiding eye contact with me.

"Chance, will you excuse us for a second." She said places an arm on my back and Jack's.

Once we finally got out of earshot, Jack and I flipped out. "How do you know him?" We whispered. "Look...he was one of the first foster kids we trained, his parents aren't actually the Arias, but they think of him as they're son. When he finished training we gave him the contract to sign but....he refused, so we sent him to another foster home and kept tabs on him until he was adopted." She said calmly.

That was the one thing I liked most about Rose. She was always calm.

And that was also the one thing that sometimes made her a pain in the ass.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us!" Jack said throwing his hands up in the air. I shook my head.

"Yea, I thought we were the very first kids you trained!" I said.

Rose simply nodded. "You were, but Chance came when he was 8, and you know how we keep the trainees away from the recruits." She said looking over at Chance. He was sitting on a gurney, a nurse checking his cuts out. I quickly looked away.

"Look I'm sorry about. It telling you two this piece of information, but you two are acting like babies! So quit pouting and deal with it!" She said putting her hands on her hips.

Jack and I looked at each other. We both nodded and said sorry.

"Wait, so does this mean that he's apart of the program now?" Jack asked looking over at him.

"Well, now that he's seen us and knows about you two we are obligated to protect him." She said, once again calm.

I grunted but nodded and walked away.

"Pretty wild." He said handing me a bottle of water. I took it and drank half of it before speaking.

"Yup " I said popping the 'p.

"Does this mean we're going to have to let him in in everything?" He asked.
I nodded.

My mind wondered back to the flash drive.

Oh, I hadn't told Jack about that. Oops.

"I need to show you something." I said reaching into my bag. I pulled out the small black flash drive that I found in Synthia's locker.Jack looked at the thing and then at me with a baffled look on his face. "It's Synthia's, I found it in her locker." I whisper.

"What's in it?"

I shrugged. I didn't have time to check the flash drive when I got back from school.
"I don't know, maybe a clue?" I asked.

"Wolf and Eagle!" We both turned at the sound of our code names.

They call me Wolf because I'm the best predator. I mean not to brag....but it's a pretty cool code name.

Rose was motioning us towards the gurney where Chance was sitting. I grunted but we both walked over obediently.

When we got there I stood next Jack, away from Chance. I was still a bit shocked about the turn of events.

"I've already explained everything to Chance, however he is not an agent. We will protect him, and when I say this I am saying this to you Scarlett, leave him out of this." She said.

Once again, a pain in the ass. I nodded even though I was mentally rolling my eyes at her.

"We'll leave you two alone." Jack said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I slapped his arm and then walked back to Chance.

"Sup princess, or should I call you Miss Congeniality?" He said wincing as he stood up.

"You do that I'll shove my fist down your throat." I said not entirely kidding.

" I'm flattered." He joked.

"Listen I - I know you didn't become an agent." I blurted out.

His face turned a paler shade but he just smiled and shrugged.

"I didn't want that. I wanted a family." He said. I just nod in response.

"I mean, not like that, I - I mean it cool to be an agent and all but -" I cut him off by kissing him in the cheek.

"See you tomorrow rich boy." I said waving goodbye and then heading over to Jack.

Chance Aria

I shut my door and locked it just in case my "mom" came in.

I called the number I was given and waited.

After the third ring he answered.

"Is it done?" He asked.

"I'm working on it, Norma and Norman are gone, but I'm pretty sure the girl trusts me. Oh and you were right Rose did remember me. It's all going as planned.
I heard him chuckle.

"Great work Chance, now how about the issue with the other agent."

He was talking about Jack. "Eh, I'm not quite sure wether he likes me or not. Why? What do you want me to do?" I ask in a hushed voice.

"Nothing yet, we have to be patient, how else are we going to kidnap the girl and use her as leverage?" I nodded in agreement.

Just a couple more days and the whole agency will be buried.

"Until then."

"Until then." I said and hung up.

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