Chapter 13: Caramel and a lying boy

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I tapped my fingers on my English book while I waited for this dreadful class to be over.
I wasn't completely sure about what my teacher was talking about since I was spacing out on the whole thing with Synthia.

Once the bell rang, I raced out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. I felt someone come up behind me but I was to lazy to see who it was.

"Good afternoon Princess." I turned around to face Chance.

My face started to flush and I quickly looked away.

"Afternoon." I mumbled and continued walking. It's been four days since the date with Chance and I was still an awkward mess around him.

Not to mention I had to protect him? No, no, no, and no.

"How come you didn't call me last  night?" He asked catching up to me so that now we were walking side by side. I saw a couple of girls flash me a wicked grin but I just ignored them and walked ahead.

"I was busy with the case." I said which was somewhat true. I just didn't mention that I was hanging out with Jack everyday since the date.

What? A girl needs her best friend. Sue me.

Anyways I still wasn't completely comfortable with the whole Chance was actually an agent before you thing and the you have to protect Chance thing.

"How's that going by the way?" He asked looking into my eyes.

I looked back into his hazel eyes and shook my head as I remover what Rose had told me.

Leave him out of this. Leave him out of this. I repeated in my head multiple times to get it across.

"Can't say." I mumbled.

"Oh come on Scarlett! You know you want to tell me." He said wiggling his eyebrows.
I shook my head again.

"How about we hang out at my place after school?" He asked casually.

"I don't know." I said. How bad would that be?

"Fine but only for an hour, u have to study for a biology test." I said.

He wiggled his eyebrows at me and nodded then walked over to his lunch group.

I said bye and headed over to Jack.


"How could you not like caramel?" I rolled my eyes at Chance.

"We've been having this argument for ten minutes!" I argued back.

"This is an important subject! How could anyone not like caramel?

"How could anyone not like chocolate?" I countered.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Touché." He said before his phone starting buzzing.

"Oh, I have to take this." He said and I nodded before he exited the room.

I was just sitting down went I felt a stab in my stomach.

Oh no. Really period? You had to come now?

I turned my phone on and checked the calendar.

October 17. I grunted and the reached into my purse and grabbed a pad, I walked over to the bathroom and successfully put the pad on without staining anything.

Can we just please congratulate me for not being a clumsy mess? Yes? Thank you.

I was about to walk out when I overhead Chance say something.

"Yea, she trusts me."

"She's hanging out with me right now.

"Yes, although I don't know about her friend Jake."

Okay first of all, who the hell was he talking to? And second of all, his name is Jack.

"Yea, I'll talk to you later, bye." He said. I heard him walking down the hall so I flushed the toilet and turned the sink in and washed my hands.

My mind and heart was racing. Who was he talking too? What was he planning on doing?

Great, this is what I get for going to the mall! Damnyou karma.

I walked out casually and went back to his bedroom.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked, keeping my expression calm.

"Uh. 4:13, why?" He asked. I decided I needed to tell Jack about this so I figured I would just lie.

"Crap, I promised I would meet Jack at my house, sorry!" I said grabbing my things.

"Aww, okay well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, I smiled and nodded.

He walked me downstairs to my car which had taken Jack and I to school that day.

"Bye." I said opening the car door. But before I could get myself twin the car, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him, pressing his lips to mine.

And it would've been a perfect kiss.

If he wasn't a lying, backstabbing ass face.

I decided I should kiss back so I did, but I kept my eyes open throughout the whole thing.

I saw his hand slowly moved down to where my bag was. I pulled away from him.

"Okay, bye." I said waving.

"Bye." He said heading back inside.

As I started the car I saw him holding something small and black.

Good thing that wasn't the flash drive.

Okay. So this chapter is written rubbishy. I'm sorry for the boring dialogue, but I tried to make it sort of funny. Anyways I'm pretty sure there will be a little more action or hopefully better dialogue in the next chapter.

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