Chapter 19: what?

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5 years ago
"Today we honor to fallen heroes. We honor Derek Young and Lisa Young. They have fought and they have died for our country. They were the best of the best. I and all of you upcoming agents aspire to be like them. They will be greatly missed." Rose completed her speech and walked off the small podium.

Rose stood next to the two caskets that were covers in flowers and sweet letters to the two agents who had died. Jack and I stood in the front of the group staring grimly at the crowd. We didn't know much about the two agents except that they were soon going to take the agency over. Jack and I had three more days until initiation and all though we were at a funeral we couldn't help but talk about it and our expectations.

"Come along you too. I have something to show you." Rose said placing both hands in the small of our backs. We followed her into a room behind the church. "Since there is no better time to dot then right now....I am officially announcing you two as field agents." She said handing us the medal that showed our achievement. I looked at Rose.

You can just do that? We don't need to have a ceremony and all that?" I as,Ed suspiciously. "Yes, because of the loss of Derek and Lisa we need tow veiled agents and you two are the highest ranking In The teen agency " she said smiling proudly. I remember Jack and I couldn't stop talking about our medals until a month after. We were overjoyed to get those medals. Part of me felt bad that we took the place of the other two agents who passed away.

That night I held my ,deal close to my heart.
I woke up with a start. I gasped and started coughing wildly. I tugged on my arms and legs but they were tied down. I looked around the room. I was Ina separate room, it was dark but I could still make out a silhouette in the corner of the room. As the person walked up to me I could tell that it was woman. She had short blonde hair, she had a slender figure and she was probably somewhere around the age of forty. Once I got to see her face I looked at her shocked

Then the memories flooded back to me.

Chance. The girl from the party. Jack and I being tied up. The, asking for the self destruct code for the agency, all of it.

Anger flooded my veins and now I was wide awake and ready to pounce....once I got out of these chains.

Damn freaking chains.

"Hello wolf." Lisa greeted, her voice sounded sickeningly sweet and calm. I was tempted to spit in her but I decided against it. "Hello Lisa. Aren't you supposed to be dead?" I ask snidely. Her face turns from calm and collected to mean and hard. "Yes, how could anyone forget that we fought in battle and died." She spit out. I struggled afghan the rope but it didn't budge. I was about to open my mouth to come up with a snarky comeback but she continued to talk, "Now I'm sure Chance and Mia have already told you about the self destruct codes. We need them." She stated simply. I rolled my eyes. What does she think? That I would just give it to her? Idiot. "Now I don't e pest you to just give it to me..." Well okay then, "Tell me Wolf, how much do you care for your boyfriend?" She asked smirking. At first I was confused for a second but then I realized that she was talking about Jack.

"What did you do?" I spit out, pushing hard agains the ripe that burned my skin. She let out a soft chuckle that al out made me want to puke. Just then the door opened and two figures came in.

It was Derek....and Jack. Derek had Jack in a tight grip with a gun pointed at his head. Jack looked destroyed. Half his face was with cuts, he had more than one swelling bruise, and his hairline was encrusted with blood. I've never wanted rip off someone head before. Not even as much as I did when Jack took my favorite shirt and shredded it to make curtains for his tree house. I wanted to rio off their heads. They desire d everything coming their way.

"Scar." I heard Jack whisper, tilting his head up a bit. I felt tears run down my cheeks and start to drip on my jeans.
"See here, we have your friend. And if you dint give us the launch codes it's either him or you sweetheart, pick or choose Wolf." Derek said, pressing the gun further into Jacks head.

"Okay. Okay. Leave him alone. Just - kill me, because I'll die before I ever giving you the codes." I choked out, trying not to sob like a baby. Both of them looked u satisfied with that reply. "Actually that's not an option anymore. Either you tell us or we kill him." Lisa said, smiling as if she won a trophy.
Evil biotch.

"Okay. Kill him it is!" Derek said.

Blackness swallowed me up once agin, engulfing the image I had just witnesses.
Yay! New update! I hope you all like this chapter! What do you think happened? Tim kinda sad that this story is coming to an end :(
I'll be making a new story and its official! It'll be called mixed feeling and I will be uploading it right after I finish the last few cheaters of this story!
I hope you all like it because I'm having a great time writing it. I know I had a cover emailer in I. The chapter saying that that was my new cover for the story but u changed it and edited one last night so I hope you guys love it and live the story as well! Picture of the cover in the side.
Until next time ~ ccnoelle

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