Chapter: 14 All is fair. Until you betray us.

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"WHAT? I WILL BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHT OUT OF HIM!" That ladies and gents was Jack, my wonderful, respectful best friend who just found out about Chance.
And if you thought that was angry I didn't even get to the part where he kissed me and tried to steal the flash drive.

It the strange part about me telling Jack, was that he didn't flip out, he just winced.
Now I might sound like a total bi- brat, but really? You're my best friend and all you do is wince!? I thought you loved me Jack you freaking traitor!

"Can I kill him?" Jack asked, his face red with anger. And while Jack was pissed beyond belief I was a mixture of furious, sad, and disappointed. Because ladies and gentlemen, (drum roll please) I have never had a boyfriend. Or my first kiss for that matter.
Well technically I had my first kiss when I was 16 and working on a mission to track down some rouge military psychos ( it's a very long story) but, I don't count that as my first kiss.

Well, at least my first kiss was with a really ( emphasis on the really) cute guy.

Too bad he was a lying, probably psycho bastard. Once again, damn you karma.

"I wish, but for now we need to play it cool, I have to find out who he was talking too and what was exactly on that hippie machine.

"Well at least you found out that way, and he didn't get the flash drive." Jack said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Yea, I guess you're right, but he still took my favorite eyeshadow." I dead - panned, pulling the sleeves of my sweater over my hands.

What? I like eye shadow? I wear makeup sometimes.

"Well you can still talk to me." Jack said plopping down in my bed next to me.

"or we could just watch Orange is the New Black, while I think of different methods to kill Chance." He noted.

I nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, Jack you know me so well." I said getting out my laptop.
Three episodes later it was 7:00 and I was as hungry as a teenage boy who hasn't eaten for a day.

Oh wait that's my hunger level everyday. Oh well.

I was about to get of from my bed when I heard my phone buzz.

It was Bryan Winters.

Hello Scarlett, I wanted to let you know that Melissa, and I have some family issues to attend to, Callie will be coming with us, We'll be gone until Sunday next week. Pls text or call me if there are anymore updates in the case beside the pat flash drive you found.

PS take good care of the house

Okay. Have a safe trip :)

I turned my phone off and threw it onto my bed.

"I'm hungry." I said getting out if bed.

Jack smirked. "When are you not?." I scowled at him and grabbed one of my notebooks and chucked it at his head. He moved just in time to see the notebook hurtling toward him and he easily caught it threw it the ground. I scowled but walked out of the room.
As I walked past The bedroom behind mine I noticed something odd. The room to Synthia's for was slightly opened. Was it opened before?

"Hey, Jack!" I called out as I opened the door slowly.

"Yea." He said stopping right in front of Synthia's door.

I entered the room and felt Jack come up behind me.

I was suprised at how plain it looked. No decorations, no posters, al out as if Synthia never slept in this room.


I saw Jacks eyes wander around the room. I scanned the room for any misplaced objects, I was about to go back outside when I saw a picture that was crooked in the wall.

I walked over to the picture.

There was Synthia when she was about ten or else. And she was leaning against a boy with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. He looked about thirteen. At first I was confused at who he was, but then I remembered Callie telling me that They had a son - Mikey - who passed away a couple of  years ago.

I saw something peeking out of the frame. I looked over at Jack who looking back at me nervously.

I pulled the picture back and a heard something drop to the ground. Jack picked it up.

"What is it?" He asked turning it over in his hands.

"Let me see it." I said holding out my hand. It looked like some sort of mini tablet.
It was all black and the had a round shape to it.

I saw a small port the size of the flash drive at one of the ends. I looked over at Jack who was looking back at me up with the same curiosity in his eyes.
I took a deep breath, took the flash drive out of my pocket, and plugged it in.

A bit of a cliff hanger there! I hoped you like this chapter, I had fun writing it.
Also that picture up there is one of the many covers I'm making for my next story.
I'm not sure if I like it yet tho.

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