Chapter 17:lost object

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"Why would they send you?!" Jack and I yelled in unison. We'd been arguing like this for the past three minutes since Chance arrived.  Chance being his arrogant self kept saying he was better for the mission.

"Then why were you not the first person to be put on the mission?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. He just smirked at me.

That's it.

I lunged at him but Jack stepped between us and held my wrists in his hands. I struggled against his grip. It eventually gave up.

"Done having a temper tantrum Princess?" Chance asked grinning at me once again.

I rolled my eyes and leaned next to the wall, closer to Jack.

"We aren't going to get anywhere if we keep fighting."  Jack commented, we both nodded.

I decided to to tell Chance about the flash drive and the device thing that we found in Synthia's room.

We all headed up to my room where the device was. Or where I thought the device was

It wasn't there. I repeat it wasn't there.
I searched my dresser, all the drawers, the bathroom, under my bed, everywhere. "You're sure it was here?" Jack asked looking under my desk. I nodded.

"Hey Chance! Have you found anything?" I called out. I looked in my bathroom,.

No chance.

"Chance?" I call out once more. I peered into Callie's room. I looked down the hallway.

"Scarlett, I'm in here!" I heard him call out. I headed back to my room.
I stared in shock at what was before my eyes.
Sorry for the VERY VERY SHORT chapter. I had a lot of events going on today so I only had a couple of minutes to sit down and write today. Hopefully I'll write tomorrow.
Anyways I'm actually staring to write another story, it's a co temporary book.
So far I have all the characters sorted out and I have a rough draft of three chapters.
I'm also thinking there should be at least ten more chapter to this story.
Anyways yeah, that all I have for now. ~ cc

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