Chapter 15: drunken confession

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"Hey." Someone said coming up behind me. I recognized the voice and tried to act as love struck as I could.
"Hey Chance." I said. He kissed me on the cheek which instantly made everyone in the hallway snap their attention towards us.
"Listen I have to go to a stupid business trip with father so we won't be able to hang out until Monday.He said kissing my cheeks again. I tried to look sad as he said that.
"It's okay, I have a lot of literature work to do." I said which wasn't false. Mr. Whatever -his -name -was got mad at Jack and I for talking in class and gave us an extra assignment as punishment. Did I mention how lovely everyone was in this school?
Please not the sarcasm dripping form my words.
"I'll see you on Monday." Chance said waving in the other direction.
I waved at him and then went to the cafeteria to meet with Jack.
"Has anything happens with the device yet?" Jack asked once I sat down. I shook my head. Other than making been noise every hour or so the device we found in Synthia's room was junk.
"Chance will be gone until Monday, so we can try to dig deeper into him and his family." I told Jack. He nodded but looked uneasy.
"Shouldn't we just ask Rose?" He said. I shook my head once again.
It was bad enough I told Rose about that call thing and she flipped out on me for hanging out with Chance. I didn't need to ask her about him again.
"No, we can do this by ourselves." I reassured Jack. He nodded in response.
"Have you figured out a way to hack into the school yet?" I asked. This time Kack was the I e who was shaking his head. I sighed heavily and ate a spoonful if mash potato.
"What are you guys talking about?" Someone asked behind us. I turned and saw Thomas and Eric standing behind me.
"Nothing, we were just talking about the home work we have." I said, the lie rolling off my lips. Eric and Thomas nodded and at down next to me and Jack.
"Have you heard about the party Finn is throwing?" Thomas asked us. Jack and I both shook our heads.
"It's like a huge thing, a lot of people will be there." Eric commented. I nodded.
"If you ask me Finn is lucky, he's a total nerd but his family is rich and everyone treats as if he's precious cargo." Thomas said , biting into his chicken.
"We've got invitations." Eric said, pulling out two fancy looking envelopes.
I looked over at Jack. Do you want to go? I asked through my eyes. He needs died and I smiled.
Maybe we could info about Synthia at this party. "How can we get an invitation?" I asked Thomas and Eric.
They both looked at each other and then smiled.
"I'm pretty sure if you ask him he'll give one to you." Thomas said.
"Oh but don't bring Jack, he doesn't like you buddy." Thomas said patting Jacks back.
"What? Why?" Jack asked with a smirk in his face.
"Maybe it's because your like a total chick magnet?" Eric asked.
I looked at Jack surprised. He gave me a cocky grin and shrugged.
"Whatever, I'll be back." I said dumping my food into the trash can and walking towards Finn and his merry little nerd flock.
"I can't believe we're doing this." Jack said fixing his hair. I shrugged. "It's a Friday night, we finished our homework and all we have to do is study for a chemistry test in Monday." I said brushing through my hair.
I was told that it was barbecue at his house so I decide to wear a black tank top, some shorts and tie a flannel around my waist.
Jack was wearing jeans and a maroon tee shirt.
Ten minutes later we arrived at Finn's house.
We entered a big room with a pool inside and a flurry of drunk teenagers dancing to the song Anaconda.
My ears are now eternally bleeding.
I looked over at Jack who was scanning the room.
"Wass up, Scarlettt!" I turned and saw Eric and Thomas coming our way with beers in their hands.
Jack and I tried to hold in our laughter as drunk Thomas and Eric walked towards us, or maybe stumbled was a better way to describe this horrific scene.
"Hey buddy." Jack said and patted Thomas in the back which made him burp.
"Whooopss." Thoma giggled.
"Have you-" I was cut off by two girls who grabbed Thomas and Eric's arms and ran off to the dance floor.
"Scatter" I mouthed to Jack, he nodded and we split up.
I pushed myself through drunk girls and guys dancing and made my way to the bar area.
"Hey girl." Someone whispered behind me. I felt someone ps hand on my waist and grabbed it and
Turned it The opposite direction.
Supposedly that was to much for the guy to handle because he fainted right in front of my eyes. I rolled my eyes and stepped over him.
"Hey!" Some girl shouted at me.
"Yes?" I asked all innocently. She was carrying a red cup and walking towards me with an evil glint in Her eyes.
"Are you and that Jack guy dating." She slurred and al oat spiked her beer on me before I caught it and set it aside.
I shook my head. She smiled. "Great. Thanks again." She slurred and and walked off.
God I hate high school.
It has been twenty minutes and I have yet to talk to a sober person. I groaned and pulled out my phone to call Jack. I was in the quietist part of the house, which is saying something because the music was still pretty loud.
After a the fifth ring Jack answered.
"Where are you?" I asked. All I heard was a slamming sound and then nothing.
"Hello?" I asked frantically. Was he in trouble?
The phone went dead.
I bumped into Thomas as I was walking back to the stairs.
"Have you seen Jack?" I asked over the music.
"Yeah, he went into that room with Lizzy or was it Lisa. Nah I think her name was Quinn." He slurred and pointed to a bedroom. I nodded and walked towards it. The door was already opened so I opened it even more.
I saw Jack and some girl talking on the floor. Or maybe it was more like the girl talking him and Jack was sort of just nodding weirdly.Ew.
"Hey! I though you said you weren't dating!" I turned and saw the same gir, who was asking me about Jack earlier.
Jack definitely looked sick. His hair was a mess, his eyes were a little red, and his shirt had a wet spot on it.
"Sorry I have to take him home!" I said grabbing jacks arm and dragging him out of the room and downstairs.
Five minutes later I got him in the car without him complaining struggling and slapping me in the face each time I tried to buckle him up.
Once I got home I took him upstairs and u ti my bathroom where he started outing his guts out.
I tried to support him without snapping and getting mad at him for getting drunk.
It took almost all of my will power to do so.
"Your such a good friend Scar." He slurred once he was done puking.
I brought him over to the sleeping bag I brought for him and laid him down.
"I know." I said tucking him in.
He seemed like a sick little kid.
A stupid little kid who got drunk at a party and puked his guts out in his best fri da bathroom.
I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down. Comfort him now, get mad at him later. I repeated that in my head a couple of times.
"You know your such a good friend scar. I loovvveee youuu soooo muchh." He slurred turning his head.
"I have this like huge crush on you ever since we met. But you friend zoned me so I didn't think you liked me much. Cause your so nice and pretty and really cool and very pretty...." I nearly jumped up when he said those words. He couldn't be serious? No of course not, drunk people say stuff that doesn't make sense all the time!
They also tell the truth some of the time.
Oh shut up inner voice.
I was about to say good night but he say rated snoring which made me laugh.
I kissed the tip his forehead like a mother would do to her kid.
"I love you too Jack." I whispered and then fell asleep.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I had fun Writing it! Also I'm going to start posting a lot less bc I have things to do. Anyways I'll try to post long chapter like these more :)
What do you think of Jacks confession?
Until next time





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