Chapter 7 : Encounter

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A week or so later, Clave had more or less got used to life in Duke Arthur's mansion, thanks to Catherine who had explained to her how things worked when you were a servant, or even a maid here. Every morning, she had to get up at five o'clock, do the previous day's washing, prepare breakfast for the nobles invited here by Duke Arthur, then serve them according to their orders and without saying a word until lunch, which she also had to help prepare, then look after the garden, while another servant took over from Duke Arthur and his many guests. Then, when the evening meal came, Clave had, of course, to help prepare it again. And finally, after that, she was free to go back to her room, eat and do her laundry before going to bed, as she was often exhausted.

There were, of course, rules she had to follow and restrictions she was not allowed to break, otherwise she would be punished, and punishments here meant whips and punishments. Working in itself wasn't so bad. It was the way the servants were treated that was horrible. If you made the slightest mistake, you were guaranteed a lashing. They weren't spoken to, they were treated like furniture, but furniture that could move and obey orders.

Catherine had explained to her what she should and should not do. She was to obey orders, whatever they were, without saying a word. She was to bow in the presence of her superiors. She was not to answer or speak, unless asked a question, to which she was to answer yes. She was not to discuss anything with anyone, not even with the other servants. Of course, Clave couldn't remember all the rules and restrictions, but she remembered most of what Catherine had told her.

The young girl now lived in a routine where she ended each day exhausted. She didn't talk to anyone, as she wasn't allowed to, and she rarely saw Catherine. Her room was dusty and cramped, but that suited her, because she was alone and quiet, even for just a few meagre hours each night.

Lost in thought, with clean sheets in her arms, Clave returned from doing the washing. She was half-asleep and was startled when she felt a presence at her back, which she identified as Duke Arthur. But when she turned round abruptly, she saw no one in the dark hallway.

"Was I dreaming or...? I was sure that..."

A second later, a gloved hand came to rest on her shoulder. This time, the young girl was startled and leapt forward. Turning her head, she saw a young man with two magnificent golden eyes gleaming in the half-light. His long, dark black hair, which he had tied in a braid, fell over his shoulder. A few strands of his hair, cut to a square, were swept back over his face.

"I didn't hear him come..." mused Clave.

– Sorry if I scared you, apologised the young man. Are you a maid?

– Yes... Er, no. I'm a servant, stammered the young girl, still stunned.

– Well, he murmured.

He frowned.

– It's my father, isn't it...? What's your name?

– Clave... And who are you?

– My name's Noah.

– And your father...?

– I think you know him well, don't you? Duke Arthur..., he sighed with a sad little smile.

Clave froze. She had no idea the Duke had a son.

"If it's his son... why does he seem to feel sorry for me...?"

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