After four days and four nights of travelling, the three companions entered the Blueraven domain. The journey had been hard on Clave. She had woken up with amnesia after decades, and had never travelled like that since.
They had crossed forests, a small mountain range and more forests. The young girl couldn't take it any more, but she was determined to keep going. They were running out of food, but Clave never complained. She knew the journey was necessary.
At night, the young girl had visions, like the one she had told Noah. The same woman always reappeared in them, without exception. Clave sensed that these dreams were linked to her lost past.
– Noah? she asked, trying not to show her tiredness through her voice.
– Yes?
– Weren't we going south? the young girl asked.
– She's right.
Clave turned to Corentin on her right. He had come closer to them and was scanning them with his serious gaze.
– We're heading for the coast, he said.
– Yes, I know, growled Noah.
He still didn't like Corentin, you could see it in his eyes.
– I'm just following my aunt's instructions.
He didn't add anything. The discussion was closed.
Clave wanted to ask Noah why they had to head for the Blueraven domain, as he surely knew, but the young man really didn't seem to be in the mood. The young girl finally gave up. Instead, she walked more slowly and let him go ahead. He didn't seem to notice.
When Corentin reached her level, Clave kept up with him. She wanted to have a little talk with him. She hadn't had the chance to do so since the start of their journey.
– So... You're related to the royal family, are you? asked the young girl shyly.
As Corentin wasn't looking at her and his face was straight ahead, she thought he hadn't heard her and wasn't going to answer, but he did after a few moments.
– Yes, my family is, if you go back far enough.
Then he finally turned to her.
– Tell me, Clave... Why did you ask me to call you that? Why not Mystic?
Clave smiled sadly.
– I've got amnesia. I woke up with no identity, no memories. I didn't know who I was. Clave is the name a friend gave me. She took it from my servant code.
The young girl brushed her fingers over her shoulder, where her code was. It was still there, even though she was no longer in Arthur's service.
– Your servant code...? repeated Corentin.
– It's a long story... Do you really want to hear it?
Corentin seemed to think about it, then nodded.
– All right, then.
Clave told him everything: her awakening, Duke Arthur, the necklace, life at the mansion, Catherine, the storm, Griselda, Noah, the revelation of her identity, learning magic, Catherine's betrayal, her doubts, and finally, the great departure.
– I've been through a lot in a very short time, concluded the young girl. I still have as many doubts as I did at the beginning, but I have to move on. I just hope I can find the Crown...
– You'll find it, Corentin reassured her. And if you don't, it will come to you. It has a will of its own.
– Noah told me that, yes...
Noah stopped in front of them and turned towards them.
– This is it. We've arrived.
Clave hadn't noticed it, but in front of the group stood a large black gate decorated with ravens with sharp, pointed beaks. The gate slowly opened to reveal two people waiting behind it.
– This is Beatrice and Naos Blueraven, said Noah. They're Griselda's contacts. They'll help us find the Crown.
– Pleased to meet you, they bowed in perfect synchronisation.

Mystic - EN version
FantasíaShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?