Full of apprehension, Catherine pressed the bell at the front door of Griselda's mansion. After an hour's journey, she had finally arrived at her destination. She brushed her fingers against her new maid's collar, which had a recording function.
The door opened to reveal a magnificent young woman with long silver hair, a beautiful sharp face and a warm smile.
Catherine, uncomfortable, stammered a few words:
- Hello, I'm... I'm the Duke's maid...
- Yes, I know you are. Come in, come in! replied the young woman. My name's Griselda, nice to meet you. And yours is Catherine, isn't it?
The young maid nodded and followed Griselda into the mansion.
Clave was thoughtful, admiring the landscape before her eyes. She was standing on the terrace at the very top of the mansion, watching the sun set. She had spent all day training with Noah, but she wasn't getting any better and the training was wearing her out.
"I am the Princess of Sirine," she said inwardly. "I am the heir to the throne."
Despite the fact that she never stopped repeating these words to herself, she couldn't quite realise it. Even though she knew it deep down, she still hadn't recovered her memories... The Princess Mystic seemed to her to be a different person to Clave, the little girl with no past and terrified of the future.
– I've found you finally! exclaimed a voice behind her back.
The young girl turned and smiled at the sight of Noah.
He leaned against the edge of the terrace, next to his friend. The wind began to blow, as if to welcome him, lifting his black hair and making Clave's pendant bounce on his chest.
– Do you know Catherine Blackseed? asked Noah.
– Cath? exclaimed Clave. Yes, she's my friend!
– Oh, that's good then. Arthur sent her here and my aunt is going to take her into her mansion.
The blue-eyed princess frowned.
– Why is he doing that? she murmured. He's hiding something, that's for sure...
– Of course he's hiding something! exclaimed the young man.
Clave gasped, surprised by this sudden burst of anger from her friend, who usually remained calm in all circumstances.
– Sorry..., he whispered.
– Don't worry, I understand how you feel about your father, the young girl reassured him.
Noah buried his head in his folded arms and mumbled some words that Clave didn't understand.
– You know..., she admitted, I don't want to become Queen of Sirine... It frightens me... But it's my duty... That's why the royal family put me to sleep all those years ago, so that I would survive the war and become Queen of Sirine and so that the throne wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, but... I don't feel up to it, really.
Noah was silent for a moment, then gently placed his hand on his friend's.
– Nobody's forcing you to do anything, Clave. If you don't want to regain the Crown and take the throne, you don't have to. You don't have to force yourself.
– But... What about Duke Arthur? If he regains the Crown...
– We'll stop him one way or another, said Noah.
Clave smiled sadly, but was nevertheless relieved.
– Thank you, Noah.
Catherine arrived in the main salon of Griselda's mansion. On one of the seats, Clave was waiting for her. The maid placed her small suitcase on the floor and approached her friend. Clave seemed to have changed, yet it hadn't been that long since the blonde had left Duke Arthur's mansion.
– I'm glad to see you again, murmured the young girl.
The ginger nodded. She didn't know what to say.
– You look different, she hesitated.
– Oh... that's normal... A lot has happened since I arrived here.
– Like what? asked Catherine, curious.
– I've learnt that I'm the last heir to the throne of Sirine, the Princess Mystic...
– What? exclaimed the maid. But I thought the story of Mystic was just a legend to be told to children in the evening...
– Well, I suppose not, laughed the ex-servant. Well, that doesn't mean I've got my memory back... It would take too long to explain it all to you, so I'll take you to your room instead!
Clave stood up with a delighted smile. Catherine was with her again, and that made her feel relieved and happy. She knew she could count on the maid. But she did not notice the maid discreetly pressing her collar three times to stop the recording she had started before entering the room.
The expression on her face was one of deep guilt, and the ginger hated herself for having to do this.

Mystic - EN version
FantasyShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?