The group had left the castle grounds and were now wandering through the woods around the capital. Much to her disappointment, Clave had to abandon her lavender dress to don a white shirt and grey-beige trousers with multiple pockets.
As she walked briskly over the dead branches on the ground, her necklace shone brighter and brighter, surely pointing in the right direction.
Then Catherine approached the young girl and pointed to a spot in front of her. She looked worried
– I've heard some strange noises over there... Do you think we should go and have a look?
Clave exchanged a look with Noah, then they nodded synchronously.
– Yes, let's go, replied the blonde.
When they got closer to the source of the noise, the seven of them stopped and listened. There was nothing there. Griselda went forward with Noah and Beatrice, who were the most skilful at defence, while the others stayed behind. Clave wanted to put her magic into action, but she was afraid of creating another golden tornado.
However, when a dark figure charged at her, she was forced to fight back. She held out her arm. A bolt of lightning momentarily blinded her. Fortunately, her magic had had the desired effect and repelled the attack.
The young girl stepped back and studied the person who had just attacked her. It was a man dressed in grey. He was wearing a tight-fitting combat suit and a leather belt with a holster.
– Who are you? growled Griselda, who had moved quickly to stand in front of her protégée.
Clave noticed that her scarlet eyes had gone from soft to cold. She was almost frightening...
– My brother's here, isn't he? hissed the ambassador.
The man, despite his inferiority, smirked and shook his head.
– Your nephew, on the other hand...
Griselda reflexively turned to Noah, but he had realised that they weren't talking about him.
– Is Marcus there?
– Yes, said the man on the ground.
Then another man, of medium height with medium-length hair, bowed gracefully to them. Clave took a step back in surprise. He was so discreet that she hadn't even heard him arrive.
Then she recognised him. It was the man she had seen in the library of Arthur's mansion. And now that she saw him again, she noticed the features he had in common with Noah.
– It's been a long time, Auntie.
– Hello Marcus, she smiled coldly. You're doing well, I see.
– As always.
– What are you doing here? hissed Griselda.
– The same as you, replied Marcus calmly.
He remained silent for a moment, seeming to think about something. Then he sat up slowly. His marble expression was reminiscent of Arthur's.
– But you see..., he began. I need this too.
And as he said this, he took Clave's necklace between his fingers and pulled on the chain, which snapped.

Mystic - EN version
FantasyShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?