Clave slowly opened his eyes. Soft morning light filtered through the window curtains. Birds were chirping happily outside, announcing the sunrise. The young girl sat up on the bed and pushed back the covers. Noah, beside her, was still not awake.
"Has Griselda arrived yet?" she asked herself.
She slowly left their bunk, trying not to wake the young man, who was sleeping on his left side. They had both slept in their clothes, and Clave needed to change. Slowly, she went round the room and rummaged in the wardrobes. However, all she found were dresses with lace, sequins or frills. It reminded her of the day she woke up in Duke Arthur's mansion. It seemed so long ago and yet so close...
The young girl left the room and looked for somewhere to change. She entered a large bathroom. She had brought with her a long lavender dress with buttons and wide sleeves. She had also found a black undershirt which she planned to put on underneath.
But first, she was going to have a wash. She'd been dreaming of taking a bath for nearly a week, and being able to relax.
The bath was huge. Ten people could fit in. Clave turned the tap, which was old, creaking and a bit stuck. The young girl doubted whether there was any hot water left in the castle's pipes, but to her great relief, it soon began to flow.
After a few minutes, Clave finally immersed herself in the liquid and let out a deep sigh of relief. All the pain in her body was gradually evaporating.
When she came out of the bathroom, Noah was waiting for her outside the door.
– Do you want to wash up too? asked the young girl.
– No, don't worry, I already did it a few minutes ago, in another bathroom.
Then he smiled.
– That outfit suits you very well, Clave.
– Thank you, she smiled.
– Yes, you look wonderful.
Clave gasped, recognising Griselda's voice behind Noah, who didn't seem at all surprised. The blonde rushed over and hugged the ambassador, happy to have her back.
– Clave, she said, Cath came with me. Do you want to see her?
The young girl blinked in surprise.
– She's waiting for you in the hall.
Noah's aunt stepped back and left her protégé, who hesitantly walked away from them after waving.
– I hope she can forgive her, whispered Griselda.
– Catherine betrayed her though, replied his nephew with a shrug.
– I know, but Cath's a good person.
Noah smirked a smile that meant everything and nothing at the same time, then left the corridor, going in search of the others.
Clave arrived discreetly in the castle hall and looked around for her friend. When she saw a mass of curly ginger hair, she smiled, but when she remembered how they had parted, her joy disappeared.
Catherine heard footsteps on the stairs and turned round.
– Clave! I'm so glad to see you again, I...
Faced with the blonde's worried face and movement backwards, the ginger stopped.
– Oh... Sorry, Clave. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry... I'm so sorry I betrayed you... But now my brother is safe! I no longer have to fear Duke Arthur...
Clave began to tear up and her friend noticed.
– I'm so sorry...
The blue-eyed young girl suddenly took Catherine in her arms.
– I forgive you. I'm glad you came...
Catherine smiled softly, relieved. Clave was her best friend; she didn't want to lose her. She was so relieved to see her again.
They hugged, their eyes closed, and the blonde whispered softly.
– I missed you, Cath.
– I missed you too.
Later, when they had found Griselda, Noah, in a voice muffled by the different walls that separated them, called out to them.
– Come take a look! I've found something interesting around here. I think it might help us.

Mystic - EN version
FantasyShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?