By now, Clave, Corentin and Noah should have joined Beatrice and Naos. Or so Griselda hoped. She had no way of communicating with them quickly, and that bothered her greatly.
The young woman had promised Clave to free Catherine from her condition as a maid, but she hadn't taken the time to do it yet. She was thinking of making the ginger her assistant, so that she would always be on hand in case of problems with Arthur. Or even if there was a problem at all. She could always help.
Griselda received letters every day from the Silverwoods and the other families asking why she never came to the gatherings, but she didn't reply. She didn't have the desire or the courage. She had always been seen as the intruder in her family, not because of her different ideas, or her different sexuality which she embraced completely, or because of anything else in particular that was different, but just because Arthur was better than she was. She knew she could never have the status of duchess and head of the family. Even if she had wanted it and fought for it, she would have lost.
Despite the jealousy she sometimes felt towards her brother, she had always supported him. But not any more. His megalomania had gone too far. It was time to stop him.
Griselda rose from her chair, to the relief of her back. She spent all her time working, bent over her desk, even though she knew it wasn't the best position.
She left the room and headed for the maids' quarters, where Catherine was no doubt resting at this early hour.
The young woman knocked gently on the door, wanting both to announce her presence and not to wake the maids. When no-one answered, she decided to enter. The wooden floor creaked slightly under her footsteps, but fortunately it didn't wake anyone.
Catherine's bed was the one at the back. Griselda approached it gently and took advantage of the fact that the ginger was asleep to take a closer look at her.
The maid was curled up in her bunk, her knees pressed against her chest. She was hugging her pillow like a cuddly toy. Her flaming hair was scattered around her face, looking like wildfire. Griselda thought she was cute, dozing like that. She reminded her of Cerise.
"It's time to wake her up."
Griselda gently shook Catherine by the shoulder. The maid grunted. The young woman thought the ginger wasn't going to wake up, but she finally opened her eyes.
– Lady Griselda? she mumbled, rubbing her eyelids.
– Yes, it's me. I need to talk to you about something. Can you meet me in the downstairs sitting room?
From the look of panic in Catherine's eyes, Griselda guessed that she thought she'd done something stupid.
– Yes, of course I can...
– Okay, then. I'll wait for you downstairs.
Later, the ginger arrived in the living room, dressed as a maid. Griselda smiled.
– Soon you won't need to wear these clothes any more, she announced.
Catherine didn't seem to understand for the first few seconds, but then gasped as she grasped the meaning of the hostess's words.
– Is it true? she exclaimed. Are you going to free me?
Griselda confirmed. The ginger was relieved and clasped her hands together. But her relief did not last long. She remembered Duke Arthur's blackmail.
– I can't, she said.
Griselda cocked her head to one side. She was waiting for an explanation.
– Sir Arthur will be terribly angry if he finds out I've disobeyed him.
– He can't come here.
– I know, but my brother...
Even though her face remained closed, Catherine's voice trembled. Griselda invited her to sit on the sofa with her. The young woman noticed that the maid was careful not to step on the carpet when she did so.
– Duke Arthur threatened to... To kill my brother if I didn't do as he said.
– He always works like that...
Catherine did not look reassured.
– I'll make sure no harm comes to your brother, promised Griselda. Now it's time to take that collar off.
The ginger nodded, her throat tight. Her host stood up and gently took her hand, then grabbed the necklace. A silvery mist began to emanate from her fingertips. A few seconds later, it fell to the ground with a crystalline sound.
– There you go, smiled the young woman.
Without warning, Catherine threw herself on her and took her in her arms.
– Thank you. Thank you so much.
Griselda returned her embrace tenderly, then let go.
– Would you like to be my assistant?
Catherine looked surprised, then delighted. She admired Griselda greatly, and was delighted at the idea of being able to continue working for her without having to spy on her.
– With pleasure, she replied.

Mystic - EN version
FantasyShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?