Clave, Catherine and Griselda strode into the room where Noah was, the blonde first. Beatrice moved towards her and beckoned her to the back of the room, which was a small library with a desk in the centre. Opposite the dark wooden front door stood a mirror, high and straight, clean as a whistle despite the time it had spent here with no one to clean it. Clave approached it and, indeed, the dress she had found in her room did fit her rather well.
– And what's so special about this mirror? asked Corentin, arms folded and looking sceptical.
– Look at the writing on the frame around it,' retorted Noah, looking annoyed.
The young man with the hazel eyes stepped forward, his eyebrows furrowed.
– I don't know all the symbols..., he said at last.
– Exactly! exclaimed Griselda's nephew.
Then he gently took Clave's hand and led her to the edge of the mirror.
– Do you think you can read it?
– I... Yes, I can...
Following the object's instructions, the blonde slipped her hand into her collar, grabbed her chain and pulled out her necklace. The blue tear glistened softly in the sunlight.
Then she shifted a step to the right, facing her reflection, which looked at her as she looked at it. Then suddenly, the pendant intensified in luminosity, releasing golden particles that looked like royal magic.
In front of the group of seven, a tall silhouette of a woman appeared, formed of golden mist. Clave immediately recognised her. It was the woman in the painting, the queen. Her sister. The latter spoke up.
– Mystic, if you can hear me, pay attention. I have to hurry, and so do you. I don't know if you've found the Crown, but I can help you if you haven't.
– Is that true? whispered Clave, even though she realised that the Queen couldn't hear her.
– You need to get to the temple in the forest around the capital, she continued. The code on your pendant, through which my words will reach you, will guide you. I'm counting on you. I know you can do it.
Clave smiled and turned to Noah, who returned her delighted expression. At last they had a big clue!
Clave and Noah returned to their room. The young girl lay down on the bed with a weary but relieved sigh. Noah lay down beside her, resting his head gently on her shoulder.
– You know..., murmured the blonde, it was strange to hear Ruby's voice again.
– I bet, replied Noah in the same tone, looking into Clave's eyes.
Clave smiled weakly.
– I miss her. I'd like her to tell me how to do it. How to rule a kingdom...
The young girl's voice faded. Her throat was tight. Noah smiled at her. It was a warm, reassuring smile. He always knew how to comfort Clave. No doubt that was why she loved him so much.
– I'm sure you'll do fine, Princess, he said.
The blonde's smile slowly became more confident, less shaky.
– I can't wait for this to be over...
– Soon...
Noah remained silent for a moment before adding.
– Do you know what you want to do next? Apart from becoming the queen, obviously.
This made the young girl think a little harder.
– I don't really know... I'd like to rediscover my country, since I've forgotten all about it, and I'd like to meet the different people who live there... I'd like to spend more time with you all.
– That sounds interesting..., Noah smiled.
Clave smiled back. She began to think about all the things she could do once she'd completed her mission, and that made her less anxious. She was looking forward to being able to take this weight off her shoulders and live a little more lightly.

Mystic - EN version
FantasyShe wakes up in a strange, unknown world... Yet she has a feeling of déjà vu. She has amnesia, is terrified and lost. Can she survive in a world where they want her to become a servant? Will she be able to recover her lost memories?