HLS - 27

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I wanted nothing more than to be home and hidden, freed of pressure of acting like I was completely fine when in reality I was broken and shattered inside. I barely remember how I reached the Villa with just a few minutes with all these freaking drama I just experienced.

Stopping the car's engine I leaned into the wheel shutting my eyes closed fighting the raging emotions I am feeling right now. My temperature dropped and a sick misery spread.

Don't cry Yvonne. . . She's not worthy of your tears . . .

I cursed to myself but the more I hold back it doubles the pain instead. Paralyzed by the tragic feeling of deception I closed my eyes and wept silently. I'd bare my emotion and I feel horribly vulnerable. Hot tears poured against my dry pale cheeks. This time I didn't fought back, I let them fall free from me. Racking sobs shaking me thoroughly making me gasp for air.

" You set yourself up for this shit so suck it up Yvonne. . . " I whispered to my self.

Heartsick, I took all my strength to shore up my composure and stepped out of the car. The moment I entered her villa, I knew she wasn't home. . . Well damn it of course she's in that fvcking party with her Wife. My mind stirs as I recall how she turned her back on me and just ignored me. . . How Ashley's face lit up while watching me hurt by her insults. It was irrational and pointless to think such things again that made me feel petty and physically sick but I just can't help it.

Seeing every part of the villa shatters me. The couch where we usually cuddled and make out. The kitchen where we cook our food together. . . Damn it. How can I possibly forget her when she's the only one that make me happy and enjoy pure bliss. The woman that possesses my heart and body. I walk upstairs going to our room. Upon entering my eyes caught the massive collage of photos... Photos of us as couple and one very intimate. . . One that she'd taken me while I was sleeping naked underneath the covers. I felt hot tears rolled down my face that make me hard to see the photos. I barely notice my cellphone vibrating that's when I noticed the twenty-seven-missed calls from Macsen and a text message.

Yvo. . . I'm sorry. . Where are you Lovie? Please don't break up with me. . . Talk to me please. . Allow me to explain to you please. . I'm begging you

The tears welled again. I held the phone to my heart at a loss of what to do in this situation.

" Stop crying, Idiot. . . damn it "I utter as I wiped my tears away and compose myself. I needed to get my things out of here as fast as I can before Macsen caught me here. I don't want to see her, I don't want her to see me like this.

I'd just finished packing my thing when I suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of Macsen's voice in the living room

" Yvonne. . . Yvonne . . ." Damn it i'm still not yet ready to face her, I rushed to the open door just in time to see Macsen stood alone in the small foyer. The sight of her hit me hard, reminding me of all the things that just happened earlier. Her gaze darted over my face searching. Her chest expands on the deep breath at the sight of my luggage in my hand.

" No... No... You're not going anywhere. . . " She growl. I crossed my arms trying to be strong .

" Let's just get this over with Macsen... Or should I call you Lewis too? I don't care anymore. I just don't want to see you anymore. . . "

" No. . . you don't mean that. " Macsen shoved a hand through her hair and exhaled harshly. I was suddenly very tired. . . Exhausted from fighting this fvcking misery

" I really do. . . What we had... You and Me. . . It was a mistake Mac. A fvcking mistake" Her jaw tightened. I saw the fear and pain on her face.

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