Chapter 19 - Home-calling, The Vigorous Pack !

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Lumina left with the Bunny towards the werewolf land because that was the nearest out of the two destinations, it took her plenty of days as it was still far from the forest she left. When she stepped on the land, all the dull and dying floras and faunas suddenly rejuvenated and turned up filled with life force energy. It was as if something magical has hit the whole forest. She was being seen like a Goddess who has entered the forest before arriving at the werewolf territory. When she reached the residential area, she inquired about her grandparents and when they asked her who she was, she just replied she was a distant relative who has come to visit her distant grandparents. (Aurin and Vellore had warned her not to reveal her identity to everyone she met so, she was just being wise and cautious). 

After sometime, she reached her grandparents house, the Beta parents of Giana were also there.

Guard - My Master, here is a young lady outside who claims to be a distant relative of the former King and Queen and the Beta (current and temporary Alpha until Aurin returns).

Cave (Aurin's father) - Distant relative ! I don't remember any distant relative who would send their child to meet us old feet. But, anyways, what is her name?

Guard - She calls herself Lumina, my master and, and ...

Cave - What is it ? Speak !

Guard - She has a bunny accompanying her.

(The first thing that came to their mind when they heard someone being accompanying by an animal was, Vellore. And all four of them looked at each other and the former King said in a firm voice, let her in).

(Lumina was an exact image of her mother and had the eyes of her father, gentle and kind from the looks yet strong and sharp from the eyes. When Lumina appeared before the four grandparents, she remained calm and sophisticated).

Lumina - Hello Sir and Madam, my name is Lumina. I am the daughter of you son and daughter-in-law, Aurin and Vellore. I come to visit and pay my respects to you from a faraway land. This is my travel companion, his name is Bunny.

Jennie (Aurin's mother) - You are, you are my grand daughter ! My Aurin's beautiful, little pup. You are as beautiful as your mother, Vellore. My baby, come to grandma ! (And Lumina went to Jennie, who hugged her with all the love she could feel for her grand child). Cave, look, our son had a baby and she has come to meet us. We never thought any of you would ever return to us.

Lumina - So, mum and dad said I had five grandparents, four of them were here in the werewolf pack. If you don't mind, can you please let me know, I am a bit confused.

(So, Cave explained everything to Lumina).

Cave - Me and your grandma, Jennie are your father's parents. And another grandpa and grandma you see are your mother's caring parents, means who cared for her and treated her as their own daughter when she had lost her memory.

Jennie - Tell us, Lumina. How are Aurin and Vellore. Are they doing good ? Do they miss us ?

Lumina - (Smiling) They are doing great, grandma. They miss you all a lot. They told me that you will be loving and caring for me more than themselves.

(Firstly, Lumina went to Cave and Jennie, hugged them and bowed to them. Then Lumina went to her Beta grandparents, hugged them and paid her respects to them by bowing to them as well. She then stayed in the werewolf pack for many days, where she came to know about her parents love story from her grandparents and the locals. She got the best princess treatment she would have never received in the forest but, she missed her parents and the fresh air of the forest a lot).

(After many days of stay and receiving lots of love and care, Lumina finally decided to move on to the next location, to her maternal grandma's place).

Lumina - Grandpa, grandma, it is time now when I should also go and meet my grandma in the Cabin woods. She must be also missing mum and dad, like you.

Jennie (out of anger) - No need to go to that cruel lady's place, She doesn't love you parents at all. She was the very reason, your parents had to leave us like this. She would not let your mother stay with you father and wanted to separate them for life. That's why your parents ran off without informing her. After they left, she came here and created a big scene out of it. If she comes to know about you, she will try to harm you. Do not go near that crazy old hag.

Lumina (always being so kind and gentle) - I know grandma, mum told me all about it but, she also said that Pandora grandma loves her a lot, she was only worried about her future, that is why she did all this. I believe, she will love me just like you did, when she will know that I am her grand daughter.

Cave - Lumina but, Jennie is right to some extent. I have seen Pandora, she goes crazy when she doesn't have her way.

Lumina - Just like mother, like daughter (and she laughed). Mum is also like that. Guess, some of it comes to me as well. Don't worry grandpa, I will handle it. If she is the Mother of the Forest, I am also her own blood, the Princess of the Flora and Fauna.

The Beta - If you want to go so desperately, we won't stop you but, remember, if you need any kind of help, anything at all, we are always here. You are not just the Princess of the Flora and Fauna, you are also the Princess of The Vigorous werewolf pack. Take care, Lumina.

(And thereafter, Lumina left with the Bunny towards the Cabin woods).

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