Chapter 16 - Let's run away !

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After Vellore returned to the Cabin woods with Mother Pandora, the creatures of the Cabin woods were filled with life and joy. They welcomed the Queen. They celebrated each day like it was a blessing from the Mother Nature (which indeed is). Vellore was also very happy and felt energetic after returning to her true self but, something in her heart went missing and she clearly knew what it was. That missing piece of heart was Aurin, her beloved husband, her Alpha, who she cherished more than her life. On the other side, Pandora knew that she was not just a being of the forest now who would feel whole just by staying in the greens. She needed someone by her side, who could complete her so, she was stealthily making plans to get her married with the Prince of the nearby forest. Somehow, Vellore caught the wind of this and had a quarrel with her mother. She told her that she was already married and she loved her husband dearly. But, Pandora was not ready to listen to her at all, she said in anger, "Either you marry the Prince or you leave the woods for good." (Mother didn't mean that, she just said that out of anger) But, Vellore took it seriously and she left the woods when her mother was asleep. She went to The Vigorous pack and since, now she was a Super-wolf, she could complete the journey of 7 days within just 7 hours. She reached the werewolf territory by dawn).

Vellore - "Hello Guard, can you please tell Alpha Aurin that Luna Giana is here."

Guard - "Luna Giana, my Lady, my Queen, please come inside and have a seat, I will inform Alpha this instant."

Guard - "Alpha Aurin, My Alpha, Luna, Luna, Luna Giana is here. She wants to see you."

Aurin (half awake and in night robe) - "Luna Giana, you mean my Luna, she is here, I am coming, Giana." (And he rushed to where Vellore was sitting).

Aurin - "Giana, my Love."

 (And he ran towards her, took her in his arms and kept kissing all over face. After a few minutes, when he stopped, Vellore was all blushing and her face had turned all red) He noticed the Guards watching their Alpha go all crazy and lovey-dovey over their Luna and were smiling on how adorable and loving their Alpha was to their Luna).

Aurin - "Ahem, ahem. Sorry for all that. (And his words had a little embarrassment but, Vellore was more than happy to receive so much love from her husband) So, how are you Luna and how come you are here without any prior news ?"

Vellore - "Oh so, do I or the Luna need to inform her people in advance before visiting her own pack. Surprising to know and she smirked a little." (Which definitely Aurin saw and he understood she was being sarcastic and not angry, Thank the Moon Goddess).

Aurin - "No, actually, she doesn't need to inform in advance but, just curious to know the reason about such a sudden visit and that too so early in the morning."

(Vellore told him the whole story about what happened back at the Cabin Woods).

Aurin - "How could Mother Pandora do this to you, I never expected her to act like this. I thought I was letting her take the Luna of my pack, the love of my life and she will take good care of her. But, this ..."

Vellore - "So, I left during night when nobody could force me to stay and I will not return, no matter what happens."

Aurin - "Nobody is asking my Luna to leave. You can stay here as much you want, this not just my pack, this is also your pack, this is our pack, these are our people. You are their Luna."

(From that day onwards, Vellore stayed with Aurin in their pack. Obviously, Mother Pandora would have guessed it as the first place where Vellore could go so, she also set out to bring her back after talking out the misunderstandings with her. But, Vellore was not just smart and sensitive but also occasionally adamant. She came to know from the flora that Mother was on her way).

Vellore - "My Alpha, my Mother is on her way to take me back to the woods but, I don't want to return. I am going to leave here as well, as soon as possible."

Aurin - "No need for that, I will talk to the mother. And where and why are you leaving me alone."

(And he looked at Pandora with those innocent and lost child's eyes)

Vellore - "You don't know her, she is more adamant than I am. She will not listen to anybody when she  wants to have something. And I don't want to return anyhow. So, I have to leave to somewhere she won't be able to find me."

(Aurin after thinking for a few minutes)

Aurin - "Fine the, I will leave with you."

Vellore - "But, My Alpha, the pack needs you, our people need you."

Aurin - "And what about me ? The people need me but, I need you, I cannot loose you the second time that also because of something like this. So, I have decided that I iwll also leave with you, if you will go. And I also know a place where we can go, where neither my people nor yours can ever find us."

Vellore - "Ok, we will leave in a couple of hours the but, I would suggest you to hand over your responsibilities to your Beta until you return, somebody needs to take care of our people and our land, in our absence and I couldn't think of anyone better than our Beta for this."

Aurin - "I agree, my Luna

(And he asked the Beta to come over. He announced officially and publicly, the Beta to be the leader, in his absence. He informed his parents and his people about him leaving, everyone wanted him to stay but,it was of no use. Once, Aurin had decided to do something, nobody could stop him. Then, he and Vellore set out to the place Aurin has in his mind for them to stay).

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