Chapter 17 - Our Beautiful and Humble Abode

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Aurin took Vellore to a beautiful house. It looked so beautifully designed and as big as their actual home. It was at the riverside, between the forest, covered with all lush green tress of different fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs. The air was filled with the mesmerizing fragrance of the flowers. It felt like, as if they have moved from earth to somewhere in the heaven. She had never felt this fresh and lively even in her own forest.

Vellore - "What is this place ? And how come you know of a house here ?"

Aurin - "This forest was grown and maintained by my ancestors. Now, I am the responsible to keep it as beautiful, prosperous and safe they kept it. So, I got a house specially designed for me here so, that whenever I felt to take a break from the chaos of the world, I would come here and take some rest. It really helped to refresh and rejuvenate myself."

Vellore - "This is really beautiful. It looks more home than my actual home in the woods. I love this place."

Aurin - "This is going to be our home from this day onwards."

Vellore - "I would really love to have a home like this. This is satisfying to my eyes and my soul."

(From next day onwards, Aurin would go to the forest to collect fruits, vegetables and flowers for Vellore. And Vellore would manage the household work. In the spare time, she would also treat the sick Flora and Fauna with the medicinal herbs that Aurin brought. She would also use the abundant energy inside her and the infinite energy of the nature to heal wounds and cure injured beings. Not only the land flora and fauna loved her even the plants and animals of the water would come to her for treatment. The word of her curing the sick creatures was pread in the whole forest but, she also told them to keep it within the territory otherwise she would had to leave and they obviously didn't want her to leave so, the word never got it out (Trustworthy and Loyal creatures, I guess).

(One day, a very old tortoise (might be 300 years of age) visited Vellore).

Tortoise - "Hello Vellore, I am Mama tortoise from the river flowing 10 kms away from your house. I am too old and it was very difficult for me to get here by this time. I only cam ebecause the creatures said that only you could cure my ailment."

Vellore - "Mama, have some rest. I will bring you some water and greens to feed. Then you can tell me all about your sickness, I will try my best to heal you."

(Vellore went inside and brought some fresh river water and some greens for the tortoise, until then the tortoise could bring her breath to normal).

Vellore - "Now, tell me Mama, what is it I can help you with."

Tortoise - "I have been living in the nearby river for almost 300 years now, I was born and brought up there. Both my parents are no longer with us. I have around 103 children. All are healthy and living a good life in the waters. Because of the grace of the Mother Nature and your husband, we never had to move from our original place and never had to face much difficulties in life. But, there is only one issue with me because of which, it is difficult for me to breathe now. And no flora or fauna has been able to heal it. When I was 121 years old, I was still learning and very naughty at that so, even after my parents scolding me for this every time, I kept on visiting the the of the cliff. One day, the winds were too strong and I lost control and slipped. There was a wire stuck in the tree that held me from my throat so, I didn't fall and it saved my life but, it also caused a severe cut in my throat because of which I am unable to take a full breath. I am alive an in good shape but, every time I breathe, it feels more suffocating than relaxing. Can you please heal my wound, Vellore?"

Vellore - "I will try my best, Mama. Let me take a look at your wound. (After checking the wound completely) Mama, I will make you smell something that will make you unconscious for sometime because when I will heal your wound, it is going to hurt like hell and I don't want you to feel that much pain, consciously."

(Vellore made her smell a herb that left Mama unconscious. Then, she applied a mixture of herbs on Mama's  cut, then she covered that area with both her hands and invoked the golden healing energy inside her channeling through her whole body and within few minutes the wound on Mama's throat was completely healed. Vellore brought back Mama to her senses and now when she took breath, she could feel so fresh and complete as if she was reborn).

Tortoise - "Am I cured, is it cured, so soon. This is magic. You are a healer. You are the Goddess. You are the reincarnation of Mother Nature."

Vellore - "Mama, yes, you are cured completely. No need to think of me so highly, I am just the hands that heal, Mother Nature is the real Healer, she is the source of all healing, I am just a medium."

Tortoise - "And even after such great healing powers, you are so humble. I am more than satisfied and happy with you, my child. I know you are happily married and have not conceived yet. So, I give you my blessings and a boon, "You will have the most tender and enthralling child that will have the powers of both the kinds, the energy of the forest and the energy of the werewolves. That child will bring you glory and will receive the immense and infinite love and care of the whole universe. This child will hold the highest place of authority one can hold in all kingdoms. I bless you with this boon all with all my love."

Vellore (with tears of joy and love in her eyes) - "Mama, thank you so much for your blessings. (And she hugged her tightly with a sweet good bye) Take care, mama. Good bye."

(And the tortoise left).

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