Chapter 20 - Home-calling, The Cabin Woods !

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After travelling for 7 hours continuously, Lumina finally reached the Cabin Woods. She was as fast as her mother, even more faster. When she entered the woods, the green energy within the creatures spiked and she knew someone with the nature's energy has entered the forest. They notices she was moving quickly towards the middle of the forest, towards the White Lotus lake. They have experienced similar circumstances earlier as well so, now they were really cautious and the news immediately reached the Mother, that there is a young lady who is  swiftly moving towards the White Lotus lake. So, without even checking who she was, Mother Pandora abruptly ordered the animal and poisonous veins to create hurdle for Lumina and anyhow stop her to reach the lake, even if they had to kill her, the be it.

The veins and the animal guards tried to harm her but they were unaware who she was and that she held the tri-energy, the energy of the werewolves, the green energy of the nature and the golden energy of the sunlight. When they tried to attack her, she easily cut the veins and pushed away the animals with a simple pinch of her fingers. None of the creatures were able to harm even a tiny hair on her body. They had now accepted failure and returned to the Mother.

Poisonous veins - Mother, I tried my best to tie her down, or drown her in the water, even tried poisoning her but, all in vain. Nothing affects her, she even cut through some of my roots, I could barely hold up myself and ran towards for saving my life unless, she will wipe me out, entirely.

Animal guards - Same with us Mother, we could hardly survive her attacks. She didn't so anything until we attacked but, once we did, she just pinched between her fingers and threw us away like we were some little ants in front of her.

Pandora- Let me see, who has the audacity to enter my land and harm my people. I should also see this powerful young lady who even the best of my guards couldn't do any harm.

(And Mother Pandora left out to look at who was roaming around her forest so willingly and independently).

Pandora - Hello, young lady, I can see you are having a good time strolling in my woods. May I know who you might be and why do you come to my forest ?

Lumina - Hello madam, my name is Lumina. I seek the Mother of all the creatures, the former Queen of the Cabin woods, Mother Pandora ! I have no other motive to come to this forest. Can you please help me to meet her ? This is really important.

Pandora - (Oh so, she doesn't know that I am Mother Pandora) And may I know why do you seek the Mother's presence ? You can tell me girl, I will convey your message to her.

Lumina - My apologies, madam but, I need to meet her personally and convey the message to her, myself. Otherwise, it won't do. You can just inform her that I am a distant relative of hers and she is like a grandmother to me.

(Tired of all the convincing and trying, Pandora finally revealed her identity to Lumina).

Pandora - I am the one you are seeking, I am the Mother of all creatures, Mother Pandora. Now, tell me young lady, what is it that you want to tell me ?

Lumina - Mother, sorry, grandma, it is me, Lumina (and Lumina had tears in her eyes).

Pandora - Lumina, I am sorry but, I don't know any distant relative with the name Lumina.

Lumina - Oh right, right. How would you ! You have never heard of me or met me. I am your grand daughter, daughter of Alpha Leader of the Vigorous pack, King Aurin and Queen of Flora and Fauna, Queen Vellore. My name is Lumina.

(Pandora wanting so bad to hug and kiss all over her face, wanting to embrace her with all her motherly love but, stopped out of her ego and anger towards Vellore).

Pandora - Aurin and Vellore, who are they ? Oh, you mean, the Aurin and Vellore who ran away without even telling me and created a big ruckus in the Cabin woods because of their immature and stupid decisions. Those two, they have been long dead and forgotten, I no longer have any daughter called Vellore. So, you are not my grand daughter, as well. You might be mistaken and misinformed, young lady.

(Lumina with her beautiful pup eyes, with the gentleness of her mother on her face, bowed and knelt down in front of Pandora).

Lumina - Grandma, mum told me you would be really angry but, she also told me that you loved her more than anything in the whole world. And that you would move heaven and earth just to find her. Believe me, Grandma, Mum misses you a lot. She misses you so much that she even planted and named a tree with your name. She waters her every day and keeps talking to her whenever she crosses by that tree. (And she started crying). I have only known that tree to be my grandma but, I was so happy to know that I was finally going to meet you in person.

(After listening to everything that Lumina said, Pandora couldn't hold in her tears any longer and she started weeping like a child. She went to Lumina, got her up and held her in her arms tightly).

Pandora - Lumina, my doll, you have no idea how much I missed your mother. Now, that I have seen you, I feel like I have seen her and hugged her. (She kissed her forehead). Sweetheart, you are the spitting image of your mother except your eyes, your eyes are just like your dad's. How are Aurin and Vellore ?

Lumina - They are good, grandma. Before coming to the Cabin woods, I went to The Vigorous werewolf pack. Everyone asked me not to come here but, mum said that once grandma knows who you are, she will leave everything and take care of you first. She said that you loved her a lot.

Pandora - When are your parents returning ? Tell them, I will no longer try to separate them. I was wrong and I have realized my mistake. Please, when you return to them, ask them to return to their lands. Tell Vellore that Mother misses her a lot and she is no longer angry with her. You can stay here as long as you want, sweetie.

(Lumina stayed there for a month and then she finally returned to her parents bidding a Good bye and a promise to return with her parents, the next time she comes).

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