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A/N took them long enough 🙄

seven years ago today, I released my second album, star stuck. While I don't relate to a lot of the songs 18-19 year old me wrote any more, this album is still very personal to me, and it seems to be to you too, considering it's currently the third most streamed album on Spotify. To honor this, a limited edition signed vinyl is now on sale on my website.

 To honor this, a limited edition signed vinyl is now on sale on my website

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@hotgirlie76omg i remember going to this tour this album is my lifeline

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omg i remember going to this tour
this album is my lifeline

omg i just ordered my signed
vinyl im so excited

happy birthday star struck!


July 3rd, 2023

Elara walked up the path to Taylor's porch, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. As she reached the porch steps, she took a deep breath to steady herself. She had met these friends before and they were always kind and welcoming, but she couldn't shake the slight flutter in her stomach. She smoothed down her jeans before walking to the door.

As she rang the doorbell, almost immediately the door swung open to reveal her favorite blonde smiling brightly. "Elara! You made it! Your actually the first one here, only you and Selena are staying the night. She'll be here soon though." Taylor pulled Elara into a warm hug and took her bag out of her hands.

Only Me and You │TAYLOR SWIFTWhere stories live. Discover now