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Okay so my next two projects are the sequel (wink wink) and another book called Coincidence, and I don't know which would be better to do first. Because if I do this first, I get to continue the story right as needed, but if I do Coincidence first, I can gather up for readers for the sequel. What should I do?

anywho most of this is fluff, and personally, fluff is very boring to write, so this took forever to make. also I'm writing this at like midnight, so...

happy birthday tay!!!! your old

fleurhappy birthday tay!!!! your old

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happy birthday Taylor!

i love their friendship

anyone else think they're
dating? I mean she woke up
and posted this at 12:01 AM

get out of her business. Taylor
said she was straight, we
shouldn't assume things.


December 13th, 2023

Elara didn't sleep last night.

Instead, she spent the hours of the moon making sure her girlfriend was going to have the best birthday ever. She made her a cake, wrapped all her gifts, and decorated the entire house in preparation.

The bedroom was filled with balloons of all colors, each one floating up to the ceiling. On the nightstand next to Taylor were thirteen carefully wrapped gifts. She had ordered custom wrapping paper that had photos of her cats on them, and she knew that if she hated her gifts, she would at least have fun wrapping paper.

When Taylor walked out of her room, she'd be greeted with a red carpet from her bedroom into the living room, where more decorations were set up, along with a decadent cake sitting on the table.

After everything was successfully set up, Elara thought she should catch a few winks of sleep while Taylor was still in deep slumber. However, when she made her way into the bed, Taylor began to stir, and her eyes flickered open.

Taylor groaned, rubbing her eyes open, where she was met with Elara greeting her with a kiss and a smile. "Happy birthday, mon amour."

"What time is it?" Taylor mumbled, and Elara showed her the screen on her phone. "Too early. Me sleep more." The blonde flung her face back into her pillow, yawning as she fluttered her eyes shut again.

Elara huffed, starting to stand up when Taylor's hand interlocked with hers tightly. "Don't leave me."

"Well, I'm getting up, so you'll have to come with me." Elara grabbed Taylor by her thighs, gripping under her and lifting her up so she was koala grabbing against the front of Elara as she carried her out of her bed. She squealed at being picked up, but sunk into Elara's arms in confort. "Want to open your presents?"

Only Me and You │TAYLOR SWIFT │Book ONE │Where stories live. Discover now