42🖤. Process

132 15 3

This chapter is to show what has been happening

Press the star😑

3 weeks later
Zhara's POV:

"Hi mommy babies, I miss you"

"Miss you too" they both answer looking into the camera

"Mommy love's you very much okay?"


"Ky love mommy lot too"

Awww, I smile

"I love mommy lot too" his sister argued making me laugh a little

"You both love mommy lot?"

They nod

"Mommy gonna come get you soon okay, then we can do whatever you want"

"Get ice cream?"

"Yes, lots of ice cream"

"With daddy?"

"Uuhhh...... sureee. Daddy could get ice cream with us"

"Yaaaaayyyy" they scream into the phone

The camera started shaking up from their excessive movement

"Ky, Aura, come eat your food"

"Byee, my babies. Make sure to eat all your food n be good for daddy okay?"

They nod then run off

Xave picks up the phone and the second I was about to say something he hang up

He hang up

Nobody is getting this from my point of view.

My whole world came crashing down at 16, everything went wrong. I didn't enjoy the rest of my teenage years I spent them being a addict, a fucking drunky searching for a daughter who doesn't seem to exist

I was getting better, I trusted Xave all over again only for him to leave me for three years with twins despite everything I was going through

Did he forget that he promised never to leave, did he forget the promises

Yet here he is, here they all are judging me behaving as if I'm the worst and I am this way by choice. Nobody would choose this life

I can't even stand to see myself n the one person who ever tried to understand me died a very long time ago

There's no escape, this is it for me and that's okay. It's life

We all don't get to be fine or a happy ending


"Hmm?" I acknowledge my therapist

"How do you feel after talking to your babies?"

"Umm" I exhale Shakeyly

"At first I was happy, happy that they are with their dad and they're okay, happy that despite everything they still love me then I felt guilty n then everything crashed. It all went down"

I hold my head down as the tears fall

These are memories I have to spend the rest of my life with

I messed up, I should've been better, stronger

"Your thoughts are yours Zhara, you need to be in control I am here to teach you that and many other things"

I nod not lifting my head

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