18🖤. Family Emergency

402 44 10

Xave's POV
7:49 PM

Answering my phone I heard my sister crying
"Wahm to Yu now?"

Everything she cry for n you would think by now at her big age she'd stop but no

"A daddy, we did a have wah likkle disagreement-"

"You know daddy only want the best Fi Yu" I cut her off,

ready Fi go link such b eno

"Summo do daddy-"

"Why Yu never say that how long Yu deh yah a go round corner n a bawl" I cut her off again

She screamed loudly then started to cry harder

"Oh God, mi kill daddy"

"Wah Yu mean Alaeya?"

"Him nah move Xave, him nah move" she continues to cry loudly while I look for my keys

All of a sudden mi nuh know weh nun deh

Chris bloodclaaat

"Yu call nobody Fi carry Yu go hospital"


"Likkle idiot pickney the time Yu deh deh a behave like Yu nahve nuh sense you shoulda call somebody" I shouted being pissed because I still couldn't find the keys

She cries a bit harder then said
"Stop shout nuh"

I hissed my teeth when I find the keys that fell in my shoes

"Mi a come now call one a the man dem up deh"

I hang up before she could say anything and started the car not forgetting to speed

I wouldn't say my dad is my favorite but he is


8:42 PM

Arriving at the hospital my sister was the only one crying

My oh so precious mother was there behaving as if she had better things to do and her son hushing Alaeya

She alone me claim

"Wahm to him?" I asked no one in particular

"We're not sure" mother dearest answer

I hummed then walk over to my sister n the lady son move weh

"I didn't mean to do it, I swear" she cried some more

My mother hissed her teeth and I turned to look at her

"Stop eh noise likkle girl" our mother said

"Why she must stop eh noise?"

"Because the ole crawsis nuh dead, nun cyah kill that"

I hissed my teeth then asked

"Why Yu even deh yah?"

"You know you nuh have no respect Fi mi n a me bring Yu come yah" she said raising her voice

"Mommy don't bother" her son held her and said lowly

Sitting with my sister, the place was silent as we wait

9:36 PM

After waiting for what felt like an hour a nurse came out to give us updates

We all stood

"Relatives of Jermaine Johnson?"

"Yes" I answered

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