32🖤. Incompetent

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Xave's POV:

Since Zhara had asked about the first girl that I ever loved I started to really think about what happened

Did she really die? Now that I think about it I never saw a funeral

To be honest, I feel like Zhara knows more than she's letting on

I took a puff of the weed keeping it in a bit before letting it out through my nose

I took up my phone to make a phone call and suddenly felt a feeling I don't know how to describe

I immediately go inside the house checking on Zhara and then the cameras, everything was fine but something felt off

I try to relax a bit and went back on the balcony to make my phone call


"Do eh thing?"

"Yeah, mi been a watch him moves n thing, him go West three times fi the week"

"Hmm" I hummed listening to my cousin

"Nuh say nun else gwaan watch from a distance, tmr we link"

"Kl" he answered and I hang up

I heard a glass shatter and was immediately alerted

I went downstairs but saw nothing but a broken window

I held my gun firmly and signaled for Zhara to be quiet since she was coming down the stairs

I looked but saw nothing

Running back the camera there was nothing, a camera went blank during that time but I still couldn't see who or what caused it

Now alerted, I sent some quick messages and as soon as I sent the last one I heard a scream

I ran out the room and down the hall to find that my sister was being held captive and Zhara was nowhere to be found

I laughed

The man looked at me as if I was crazy

I shook my head

"Who send Yu?"

"Yu cyah ask nuh questions ino" he answered

I sighed then took up a glass with vodka that I was drinking and took a sip

While taking a seat I showed him the other couches and he just stood there

My brother was gone along with the other one and his mother

This likkle girl so stubborn she stay

Just fi make them gwaan with r

"The force is so desperate, they'd send an inexperienced "assassin"? They know they can hire professionals from me right?"

I laughed out humorlessly at him trying to act like I got it all wrong

"Yu time a run out" I say to him checking my watch

As he was about to speak a shot went straight through his head

"Tsk tsk tsk" I shook my head

"Inexperienced" I said lowly

He had on a very obvious vest but nothing to protect his head

Why hold a hostage and stand up looking at me like your about to piss yourself

My men came in and immediately apologized

I finished my drink then took up my gun walking over to the head of security hitting him so hard in the head it started bleeding

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