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Kennedy's POV

The morning was cool and crisp as I stood near the gates making sure everything was in order for the trip to Oceanside. I could hear Tara behind me, talking to Willow, who was perched happily in her arms. Jesus and a few of the others were nearby, ready to see us off. I turned back to glance at the wagon where Glenn was already sitting, his usual easy-going smile on his face as he checked the reins. Daryl was standing by Dog, who was sniffing at the wagon, and the three guards, Tommy, Bruce, and Archie, were getting their horses ready.

Tara shifted Willow on her hip, and I caught the little pout on my daughter's face. She was clearly upset about me leaving. "Mommy, do you have to go?" she asked, her big blue eyes locking onto me, and I felt that familiar tug in my chest.

I gave her a soft smile, walking over and brushing a stray curl out of her face. "I do, bug. But it's only for a night, and you'll have fun with Aunt Tara, won't you?" I said, my voice gentle.

Tara smiled at Willow, bouncing her a little to keep her entertained. "Oh, we're gonna have a blast, aren't we, Willow? Cake for dinner, staying up late—"

Willow gasped, her eyes lighting up. "Really?"

I gave Tara a look, though I couldn't help but smile at her playful tone. "You better not be giving her any ideas."

Tara just winked at me, and I shook my head before pressing a kiss to Willow's cheek. "Be good for Aunt Tara, okay? I'll be back tomorrow."

Willow nodded, but I could still see the hint of sadness in her eyes. "Okay, Mommy. But can you bring me back something?"

"Of course," I promised. "Something special."

Jesus stepped forward, giving me a small nod. "Safe travels, Kennedy. We'll keep things running smoothly here."

"Thanks," I said, appreciating his calm presence. He always had a way of making me feel like everything would be fine, no matter what.

I turned back to the wagon, where Daryl had already climbed up, sitting on the opposite side of Glenn. Dog jumped into the back with the supplies, his tail wagging as he settled in for the ride. Glenn was in the middle, holding the reins, and he gave me a grin as I climbed up beside him.

"Ready to go?" he asked, his voice light and easy like this was just another trip for him. But I could feel the tension in the air between me and Daryl, sitting just a few feet apart, and I wondered if Glenn was aware of it.

"Yeah," I said, nodding as I settled into my seat. "Let's get this over with."

Tara waved at us as we started moving, Willow giving a little wave from her arms. "Bye, Mommy! Bye, Dog!" she called out, her voice carrying over the sound of the horses' hooves on the dirt path.

I waved back, watching as the gates of Hilltop slowly faded into the distance. The first part of the journey was quiet, the sound of the horses and the creak of the wagon filling the space between us. Glenn, ever the diplomat, broke the silence after a while.

"So, Daryl, how's it feel being back at Hilltop? Been a long time, huh?" he asked, his tone casual but warm like he was trying to ease any tension before it could settle in.

Daryl shrugged, his eyes on the road ahead. "Yeah. Feels... different," he muttered, his voice gruff, though not unfriendly.

Glenn chuckled, giving him a sideways glance. "Well, the place has changed a lot since you left. Ken's done a damn good job keeping things running."

I felt Glenn's eyes flick to me, and I shifted slightly, not sure what to say to that. It wasn't that I needed praise, but hearing it from Glenn, in front of Daryl, made something stir inside me, something that made me wonder if Daryl realized how much I had taken on while he was gone.

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