25; Defensive

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Hypnotically tapping his thumb against the steering wheel, Saad drove somewhat dangerously, and absentmindedly due to his shame and embarrassment. He let his emotions get the best of him once again, and rather than acting like he had imagined and hoped he would, instead he was going against his own values.

Even if Salman was never in the picture, even if it wasn't true that Saad had married his brothers betrothed, complimenting a girl that married him out of necessity likely made her nothing but uncomfortable.

"Thank you..." Ranya had answered, her voice shy and tone quiet, avoiding facing Saad since she felt her face heat up. It was embarrassing, letting a man know that three words from him incited such a reaction, even if his compliment seemed forced.

Choosing not to entertain the idea of making her feel any weirder than he clearly already did, Saad gave her a tight lipped smile before brushing past her.

"Do you know how many people will be there?" Ranya asked, turning to Saad and snapping him back to reality.

Shaking his head lightly, trying to regain focus after having been driving in autopilot mode for the past few minutes, he answered, "I'm not sure, maybe 10?" his tone still eloquent and masked with a confidence nobody could see through.

Although they had finally gotten one public outing out of the way, the idea of coming face to face with people who might as well know Saad better than his wife was daunting. She could get away with the act in front of strangers, and alleged close family friends who knew Saad as well as she did, but to have to interact with his close friends was going to be hard.

"Saad!" a man exclaimed, throwing his arm around Saads shoulder as he pulled him in for a hug. "Ain't no way our Saad is married!" he joked, turning to Ranya.

"You must be the unlucky girl." he laughed, earning an elbow in the side from Saad. "I'm joking." he clarified, rolling his eyes at the look on Saads face.

"This guy still can't take a joke." he grinned, sticking his hand out for Ranya to shake. "I'm Imran." His grip was strong, but inviting. Even with his intimidating appearance, a thick beard covered half his face, but his eyes seemed kind.

Saad and Ranya happened to be early, but unfortunately not early enough. Within moments of stepping inside their home, Ranyas smile nearly quivered as her gaze met that of a woman she despised.

Sitting on the large couch, a glass of juice in hand, and the same malicious expression as before, Sana smiled at Ranya, staring intently at her as if she had won something. Ranya wanted to do two things.

Wipe that smug look off her face, and reiterate by whatever means necessary that Saad was her husband, not that witches. Luckily, the two could go hand in hand. And since they weren't the only couple, there were likely going to be many conversations about love, marriage, and companionship, something Sana was obviously unfamiliar with.

Standing up from the couch, the poor soul that had the misfortune of having to converse with Sana stood up, smiling as Ranya approached. Beaming from ear to ear, she gave Ranya a warm hug, "You must be the Ranya I keep hearing about! I'm Sehr, Imrans wife."

With introductions out of the way, Saad and Ranya took a seat beside each other, while Sehr and Sana tended to something in the kitchen, and as Imran left for a moment to check up on his son, who seemed to be fussing. Twiddling with her thumbs awkwardly, Ranya tried to think of ways to make the uncomfortable silence go away.

Turning to Saad, who was staring off into space, Ranya moved closer to him, asking in a whisper, "How do you know those two?"

Looking over at her, their foreheads almost flush against each other, he stared at her lips, biting his own before replying. "He's my closest friend, you've met him before."

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