18; Argue

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Ranya couldn't help but to feel bothered. And she was bothered that she was bothered. But this was her husband, surely she had some right to be upset. Doing her best to hide the fact from Dua, the two parted ways.

Getting into her car, she took a moment of breathe out her frustration, gripping the steering wheel as began speeding home, taking her anger out on her poor car. The drive wasn't too long, her ears filled with the soft pitter patter or the rain, the gloomy weather a perfect addition to her already gloomy mood.

Slamming the door shut, she made her way into their home, deciding she would cook as she usually does when she's upset. Cooking had always been an enjoyable task, as long as she was able to do it alone, because if there were any interferences, the relaxing and soothing hobby quickly became a chore. Ranya could only enjoy cooking with her mom, something they found themselves bonding over and it quickly became their tradition.

Yes she like cooking alone, but the past few times she had cooked alone in this big old house, it hadn't felt the same. But since she was angry this time, she was sure it would help. Grabbing all the ingredients she began violently dicing the vegetable, her mind focused on what she had seen rather than what she was doing.

Just as Saad made it home, unlocking the door he heard the sound of metal hitting the ground and a quick hiss. Furrowing his brows, he made his way quickly towards the kitchen to find his wife bleeding.

"Ranya!" he rushed over, jacket still on and dripping with rain water, he grabbed her hand away from her, quickly running it under cold water. "Where the hell was your focus?" he asked, his mean words laced with genuine concern that somehow breezed past Ranya.

Glaring at him, she pulled his hand out of her grip, turning towards her finger still under the sink, "I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" he asked through gritted teeth, rummaging through a drawer to find some bandages.

"Nothing. It's okay, I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me." she stated, surprised at his brazen attitude, his ability to come home and act all innocent.

"Yes I do. You're my responsibility. Today it's just a small cut, what will it be tomorrow?" he retorted, annoyed with her ignorant attitude and her lack of care towards herself.

Rolling her eyes, she remained silent, noting that once again he was yapping about his responsibilities. It's always, it's my job, it's my responsibility, it's my duty blah blah blah. She was just another obligation to him and she hated that.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You haven't changed one bit. The bleeding won't stop. Can you stop being so stubborn for once and just let me help you?" he pleaded, his tone still firm and his expression serious.

"It's okay Saad! You don't need to help me with everything!" Ranya replied as she turned off the water to check her still bleeding finger.

"Yes I do, I'm your husband!" he exclaimed, raising his voice for the first time since she reunited with him. Shocked to see him so full of an emotion rather than stoicism, Ranya reluctantly gave in, silently moving her hand in his direction as she used some paper towel to compress it. The bleeding having quickly calmed down from the pressure he applied, he gave her one of the better bandages, the kind you wrap around instead of the stickers that always fall off.

"Thank you." Ranya whispered, realizing she wasn't able to maintain much distance between the two of them as she stared at his side profile.

Even as she was upset with him, she wouldn't help but admire who he had grown into. Yes he was the shitty guy who broke her heart and left her wondering why she's so easy to abandon, but he had some redeeming qualities. For one he seemed like he could be a good doctor. His work ethic and his obligation to this responsibilities was quite admirable, but she wished he didn't view her the same way and rather his wife. But she knew it was futile, their relationship wasn't really real.

Admiring his appearance, her eyes noticed the way that- even with wet hair, just having been soaked from the rain, he somehow still managed to look good. The droplets of rain hadn't completely dried off, adding a sparkle to his already clear complexion. The ends of his hair curled slightly, a single strand decorating his forehead. He did a good job of taking care of himself, clearly.

Nervously clearing her throat, Saad looked up at her, quickly noting the proximity between their faces, due to the fact that he was sitting down on one of the stools as he bandaged her up. Looking away just as quickly as he looked up, he gently placed her hand down, the squeaking of the stool against the marble floor making Ranya cringe as she abruptly got up.

"I'll be working. Let me know if you need anything."

Spending the next hour cooking up a meal, cautiously of course since she didn't want another run in with Saad, she had prepared them a simple dinner.

Although they never really saw each other, it had almost become an unspoken rule for the couple to eat together, even if it was in silence. Ranya adored cooking, and she figured having three meals together was a good way to get somewhat comfortable with each other, especially since there were so many looming events in their future.

Wondering if he had a broken nose, Ranya was surprised the aroma of her food hadn't summoned Saad out of his cave, it certainly would have distracted her from work. But Saad was far too frustrated to notice, his jaw clenched for hours on end thinking about his meeting with Zara. If it wasn't for Ranya cutting her finger just as he slipped in, the anger he had felt as he drove home surely would've caused some reaction out of him that he wouldn't have wanted Ranya to witness.

Staring at his work, his played with his pen in one hand, his right leg bouncing on the floor before his trance was broken by a gentle knock.

Ranya poked her head in, wondering if this all married life had to offer, "Dinners ready." she told him, earning a curt nod.

The couple sat across each other, not too far at all. Their dinner table was too large for them to eat at every day, but even while dining at the smaller table, the distances between them felt worlds apart.

Ranya contemplated talking to him about this, having had enough time to dwell on what she could say as she was cooking. Realizing it may help their strained relationship if she feigned indifference to the possibility of him being with someone else.

"You know..." Ranya began, her soft voice breaking Saad's train of thought, as he played with his food, eyebrows furrowed, "I'm not saying this because I'm jealous, I'm saying this because-" Saad's head shot up as Ranya paused, not sure where that sentence was going although she had rehearsed, "Well, I saw you at a cafe with some girl."

His eyes narrowed, the wrinkle between his brow cemented in place as he put his utensils down. "And?" he asked, unable to understand why she hadn't simply come up to them and why it was worth mentioning at dinner.

"And... Look, you and I both know this relationship isn't real. So if there's someone else-"

Saad was insulted, and for the first time, he was genuinely angry with Ranya. Shocked her opinion of him could be so low. He ran his tongue along the side of cheek, like it was fighting him to say something, and he was quick to give in because rather than letting her finished, he interrupted, "First of all, that was one of my many paralegals. It's not often that I meet with them outside of work, but sometimes it happens. Second, even if this relationship is something you take lightly, I don't. We are married, that too in the eyes of God and I refuse to take this marriage lightly, as strained and peculiar as it may be."

"Good to know." Ranya replied, damn near speechless from his confession, and embarrassed at her assumption. But seeing him with another woman just upset her in ways she still can't understand.

"Now, if you have or had some-"

Ranya finally looked up at him, just as surprised he could even think to say that to her. She had reason to, he was just being petty. That embarrassment she felt dissipated into anger at the inane accusation. "I don't." she cut him off, her glare meeting his as she spoke through gritted teeth, the wedge between them seemed to grow thicker by the day.

"Good to know."

who's reading this omg 500 reads 😭😭😭 i'm just writing for fun but i hope u guys like it. i prob can't update as often as i was because i started my practicum though, if you even care LOL

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