Chapter 1

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Our new neighbors were moving in and they were gorgeous. I was head of the welcoming committee. We heard from our relator we were finally getting neighbors and here they were.

All were huge but the one that stood out was waving his arms and I guess giving orders. I finished my chocolate cookies and brownies for their welcome basket. My neice and nephews ran into my kitchen excited.

"aunt Annie do you think they have kids our age?"

"don't know sweetie", I replied filling a huge basket with goodies. I adopted them years ago when their parents died in a car accident. My name is Annie Matthews and I am twenty three years old and yet to have a baby.

My husband left me for a eighteen year old woman and I was crushed. I lost alot of weight and grew out my hair. It just touched my butt and I always wore it down. Anyways back to our neighbors.

I had yet to know their names and if they had spouses or kids.
Emma my neice pulled on my shirt so I bent to hug her and kiss her head. Brian hated kisses but he let me kiss him.

Filling the basket I told the kids to stay inside and I headed over. I was stopped by a scary guy and he asked me my purpose for the visit.

"I came to welcome y'all to the neighborhood. I am your next door neighbor Annie, sticking out my hand for a handshake, welcome to the neighborhood and you are?"

He growled and snatched onto my upper arm squeezing hard as he dragged me to the really hot guy I seen waving his arms.

"boss we got a unwanted guest. Want me to dispose of her?"

I gasped in shock and looked up at him. He winked at me and smirked.

"no I got it Dan...let go of her your leaving marks".

He turned and focused on me and I blushed. I smiled shyly and held out the basket.

"Hi, I smiled, I am Annie your next door neighbor. I live beside you with my neice and nephew. I just wanted to welcome y'all to the neighborhood".

His dark green eyes sucked me in. I swallowed hard. He didn't take the basket yet so I got nervous.

"I made some goodies for you guys and just came to introduce myself".

He just stared at me. Great now I felt embarrassed. He was allergic or hated treats.

"oh no, I said sadly, your allergic I'm sorry I can make you pies if you like".

He chuckled.
"relax honey I was just trying to see if your a threat".

"t-threat", I stuttered.
He smirked.
"yeah I am dangerous honey and not a very nice man".

I felt fear as my face paled. He took the basket and smirked.
"now don't get all scared honey we don't hurt women...well unless you like stuff like that, that is".

I looked at the man who yanked my arm and dragged me to his boss and he winked at me again.

"stop winking at her Dan or I will cut your eyes out".

Holy shit my new neighbor is a scary as hell and I am so screwed. I started to wring my hands till my neice yelled for me.

I whipped my head towards her voice to see my abusive ex boyfriend walking towards me. My neice ran and hugged me tight. Her little arms around my legs.

I sucked in a scared breath and put her behind me. My neighbor who I yet to learn his name raised an amused eyebrow as Ray stepped up to me.

"you fucking slut you drop me for...this".

I blushed in embarassment.
"Ray calm down I was just welcoming my new neighbors here. You aren't suppose to be here I have a restraining order Ray you need to lea...".

A hand connected with my cheek and Emma screamed as I spun and fell. I quickly grabbed her and shielded her. Ray wasn't done he grabbed me and hit me again. Emma ran to our new neighbor and hid bawling behind him.

Dan picked her up and hugged her to him while she was crying into his neck.
"aunt Annie.....don't hurt her please", she sobbed.

Before I could get up he got a fistfull of my hair and yanked me up. He yelled in my face and hit me again. Once I fell he was attempting to kick me but was shoved away.

"back the fuck up and leave my property now".
I was trying to get up but I got dizzy and sank back down.
Emma was full on sobbing into Dan's neck as he rubbed her little back.

"easy princess I got you",he soothed.
She nodded still hugging him. My eyes filled with tears and I wiped my bloody lip. Nice way to meet the neighbors. I was lifted up as Brian ran over in tears and took Dan's hand.

I was humilated as my neighbor who didn't say his name carried me inside and to the bathroom.
Fear snaked in me as he sat me on the counter and grabbed his first aid kit.

I wiped my tears and shuddered.
"I am so sorry Mr...I don't even know your name. I am so sorry he...I...".

He looked at me and I shut up.
He got a rag and wet it and cleaned my lip causing me to hiss in pain.

"sorry honey...and the name is Travis".

I nodded and he cleaned my face. I could still hear Emma crying. A sob I tried to hold in escaped and I covered my face and cried.

He sighed and pulled me into his arms. His chest felt nice and muscular but right now he was between my legs holding me.

I finished crying and blushed.
Good first impression Annie.
"oh god I am so sorry Travis...I should just get the kids and go".

He nodded and eased back.
"no you are staying to answer questions and eat".

I just nodded to embarrassed to speak.

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