Chapter 20

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Travis puts Brian down after holding the sobbing boy for awhile. He nods to his brothers and they follow him out leaving Dan, Brian and I standing in a hug. Dan is rubbing Brian's back as he burrows in my chest more. I am still crying as I hug them both but I really want to hold Brian but Dan won't give him to me.

I sit down cause my feet start to hurt and my back is having sharp shooting pain in it. I already want this baby out but I have a two more weeks to go. Brian gets down from Dan's arms and crawls into my lap. His head goes to my shoulder as I rock him gently. I kiss him over and over as new tears work there way down my face. He hugs me tighter and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you mama",he says as I burst into tears. Dan quickly sits and wraps his big arms around me and pulls us both into his embrace. I try to stop but being pregnant and hormonal at that doesn't help. Dan rubs soothing circles on my back as I rock Brian to sleep.

We are sitting for awhile when the first sharp pain shoots through my stomach making me gasp. Dan takes Brian and lays him down on the couch.

"Annie what's wrong? ",he ask his eyes registering panic. I go to answer when suddenly a gush of liquid comes from between my legs. Oh god its to early I think as I look at Dan in fear.

"my water broke",I gasp as contractions start and it hurts horribly. Tears fill my eyes as I stand up. I hurry upstairs grabbing new clothes, my hospital bag and my camera. I change and come downstairs with my stuff which Dan finally snaps out of his stupor and takes the stuff from me. He sends a text and helps me sit. I moan as another contraction hits. Fuck this hurts bad as they keep coming and soon I cry out as they intensifies.

"we need to go to the hospital ",I grit out.

"I know Travis is coming just hold on honey ",Dan says holding my hand and actually coaching me. I do my breathing and he talks me through it. My stomach is killing me and soon I feel sick. I hold in puke as Travis runs in and scoops me up. His brothers stay with the kids as Dan who I am still holding his hand follows us out.

I refuse to release him so Travis puts me in the back seat with Dan. He drives to the hospital fast as I cuss and breath in the back.

"holy fuck my hand Annie ease up or you'll break it",Dan whines. I start crying cause I am scared, emotional and it feels as if he yelled at me.

"don't fucking make her cry you dick",Travis yells making me jump. More tears fall cause I hate being scared. We get there and Travis carries me in as I breath and try not panicking. I am early but since my water broke there is no stopping it now. I am in labor for hours and soon deliver a cute little baby boy that looks just like Travis. I feel tears fall as I hold him before he is taken away to be measured, weighed and get evaluated.

I slump exhausted as Travis's kisses my head and follows his son. I am helped up and taken to the bathroom so I can shower and shown how to do peri care. I am slightly sore down there but it's tolerable. I get done and dress carefully. After putting on my robe I head out to a newly fixed bed and I crawl in.

Sleep takes me just as Travis walks in with everyone else. I can't stay awake so I let darkness take me.

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