Chapter 3

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Walking in I froze there was two more men here and they looked like Travis but younger.

"who is this hot piece Trav?"
I blushed and backed up some.
"stop it Mike she isn't a whore or a piece..this is Annie my neighbor".

Both smiled till they seen my face. I was bruised and a little swollen.

"Trav what happened to her fucking face?"
I backed up more as fear snaked,in.

"stop scaring her Mike or I will kick your ass".
I flinched at that and they all noticed. I was stuck with three huge men till Brian ran up to me and I picked him up.

Both froze and big smiles made their dimples pop. Brian shyly looked at them and hid in my neck.

"aunt Annie I'm sleepy now. Can we go home to sleep?"
I kissed his cheek.
"your sleeping over champ",Travis said taking him and walking away.

I was alone with Mike and his brother. Both smiled as Dan came in still holding Emma.

"awww such a little beauty" Mike cooed.
"her name is Emma and this is her aunt".

" you don't have kids honey".
I nodded sadly.
"none I adopted these two cause their parents died in a car crash years ago".

Mike frowned.
"excuse my manners but this is my brother David and you know I am Mike. We are Travis's brothers and will be living here to".

David looked me over and grinned.
"who hit you babe?"
I blushed and looked at Emma sadly.

"ex boyfriend in front of princess here Travis and me", Dan said looking pissed.

I cringed as they all looked at me. I felt so stupid standing here with men I didn't know personally. I mean I know there names but that was it well besides being in a gang that is.

I yawned again and apologized.
The three chuckled at my manners.

"I am gonna take princess to the room with her brother. Travis wants to talk with you Annie so stay here".

I nodded and sat at their beautiful table and yawned again. I fought to keep my eyes open but they closed and I placed my head down and fell into darkness.

Mike and David chuckle as the little thing tried to stay awake and then fell asleep before their brother could talk to her. She was bruised badly on her face and had a cut lip.

Travis came in and froze as he looked at Annie sleeping with her head on the table.

"you guys didn't touch her did you", he asked hatefully.

"no Trav we wouldn't do that plus you seem to of called dibs on her".

He chuckled and brushed her hair out of her face.

"yeah she came over with a welcome to the neighborhood basket and then that ass showed up and hit her three times. He would of kicked her but I yanked him off and told him to leave".

David scoffed.
"who was it do we know him ?"
Travis growled.
"Raymond Edwards and his ass will be sorry when I get ahold of him".

Mike winced.
"her pretty face...that is fucked up bro. Did the kids see?"

Travis grimaced.
"yeah Emma was bawling and begging for her aunt. He didn't care that kids seen he hit her multiple times".

David swore and looked down at her sadly.
"lets get her settled then we can talk business and set up our stuff to make money. Another thing where is that basket I want cookies".

Mike laughed as he followed David to the kitchen. Travis scooped Annie up and took her to the his room. He knew she would wake and be scared but for some weird reason he needed her close.

She curled into him and he chuckled again. This little beauty was something else.

Putting her on his bed he grabbed a shirt and changed her.
He didn't perv on her and as soon as he got her dressed he covered her and headed to handle their business.

Being a gang leader sucked at times.

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